What can I do? (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-22 23:52 ID:nK8C9lVQ

Hi. I have a tiny problem. I like this guy but my friends hate him. He hurts them and thinks it's alright. I know liking him is wrong but i do. My other friend has been hurt by him alot. And i'm afraid of hurting her more. I asked her about it and this is what she said-

Me: I'm freaking myself out. How can I look at him when he's done all this shit to Me and My Friends? Is it because I think he's a better person underneath? I don't know what to do. If we went out or something, I would just go along with it. I mean, but what if we fell in love? I know I'm not afraid of it, and he's not either. But if we did...well, I'd save the world from [guy i like], right?
her: -sigh-
me: My thoughts exactly.
her: Ok listen and listen good! D<
me: yes ma'am
Sent at 6:24 PM on Friday
her: I have been through shitty and great relationships. I know the feeling of dating someone most people hate. I can relate to you. When push comes to shove you know he's a kind person. But confusion comes when he acts like a jackass. You want to believe that he's kind but it's hard with so many people against him. You want to be the outlet and you seem to get close, then in time you are and there's the real test. The test to see if what your friends say is true and if your expectations were too high or right on the money. The possible outcomes are that he's a jackhole , you feel nothing but care for him, or you actually...fall in love. Either way you end up with your answer about him. Be sure to not confuse caring for a good friend or love. Most people confuse that and then get in to problems. The two feelings are similar but completely different. So if you wish to be close to him, make sure that your feelings are in the right path. I am you bff and i want you happy even at my own expense. So don't worry about me, because my feeling are not of this situations concern.
Sent at 6:30 PM on Friday
ME: ...I'm tearing up.
You're right.
You are ab-so-lutely right.
Shit. You're better at this psychological thing than me.

But i'm still not sure, mind giving me some advice too?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-23 02:26 ID:mDyLlI43

Holy shit.. Breeane?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-23 03:54 ID:Heaven


4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-23 06:45 ID:JKBO883G

why don't you tell us how he's "hurting them"?

Maybe your friends are just dumb cunts who have it coming.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-23 13:29 ID:QP14RMnU

OP, you've written a lot and told us nothing. What is the problem with this guy?

6 Name: bingo : 2008-08-23 15:01 ID:pqmz4xiQ

Well, you can either choose your friends or choose the asshole. I wonder why it is that he's not being an asshole to you. Are you special? The fact is the asshole is an asshole and you can't make him into anything not an asshole. He's not only a jerk but he's probably giving people a hard time because he's insecure and feels that being petty and mean can prop up his sensitive ego. You'll have to deal with that if you wish to pursue him.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-27 04:56 ID:PyioOyqP

simple answer: bros before hoes. chicks before dicks.

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