exboyfriend troubles D: (14)

1 Name: Lovechan : 2008-08-24 07:03 ID:texOtUyB

well i guess he's my ex now D: i feel a little unsure to know if i was right...

well he and were together for 10 months then seperated for a year cause he switched schools. we got together again like a year later and it felt sooo good(relationship. not sex)

but 2 months into the relationship he went about 4 days without making any communication with me WHATSOEVER. and he starts talking to me on the 5th day and was like "HEY! i'm really sorry for not calling or anything" and then yea. it ended w/o any i love you =_=
so yea. i started getting sad so he got worried and called me after i called him and then said his ily blahblahblah telling me he'll be phoneless/internet challenged for a week.

and then 2 WEEKS PASS W/O ANYTHING. so then i break up with him.
and i wanted him to chase after me but he didn't...
he sent me a message mumbling some stuff. i could only make out "uh...i don't ...im confused...i something you said... ok...goodbye...i'll look for a house. goodnight. bye" and he sounded sad.

the next day he comments me saying hey there then we get into a convo and he gets edgy. and then i ask him to read a letter i wrote for him and i told him this two days before now. and he's signed on again and still no reply.

idk what i should do... should i move on? he was really nice the first time...he'd give me flowers, drawings he drew, and was really sweet. then the second time he called occasionally and walked a mile to my house 4 times duringthe summer and even got me food once. but he didn't even remember when we got together. my friend asked him and he said like a month after we realy did get together.
i'm sorry for all the details...

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-24 07:58 ID:jLIHp+8u

Umm, it sounds a lot like what happaned to me (guy here).

If he gave you drawings he's kind of immature right?

To me it sounds like he didn't think of you as a girlfriend... Did you make out or just hang out together?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-24 10:33 ID:qeHEkYj4

Um... why haven't you talked to him instead of us? This seems like the sort of problem that can easily and best be resolved by actual communication.
If it's too awkward for you to broach the subject, then the relationship probably wasn't healthy to begin with.
As for us - we'll have no clue what's going on, we only have one side of the story and it's always tough when not even you know what's going on.
So yeah, talk to him.

Also, giving her drawings doesn't mean he's immature - why the hell would you even consider that based on so little? It could be nice and considerate. Depends really on what the drawings are like and of.

4 Name: Lovechan : 2008-08-24 21:15 ID:texOtUyB

yea...it's only one side xP
i guess this is useless. the relationship in fact wasn't healthy so i guess i should just forget about him.

and the drawings were REALLY good . like it'd say i love you with a chraracter or two hands making a heart or something.

a good thing fell apart D: i hope a better thing can fall together.

but nah... we could barely hang out due to dif. schools and his mom being so strict.
we talked on myspace sometimes...mmm idk.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-24 22:22 ID:jLIHp+8u

Not only the drawing hint at immaturity but also talk in myspace and msn or whatever.

It just all leads to misunderstandings and poor communication.

Typing stuff through the internet to someone isn't a relationship...

6 Name: Lovechan : 2008-08-24 22:42 ID:texOtUyB

dude we're frikkin 15.
of course we're immature
and of course relationships are a waste at this age.
but you can't help what you feel :P

7 Name: bingo : 2008-08-24 22:46 ID:xaDK2Mk/

I've been in a relationship that was really lacking in communication. It would be best if you really talk to him and ask him if he feels if it's best to break up. It sounds like the hardest part of the whole thing is you two are in limbo and he isn't saying one way or another.

It could be that he is just trying to get his act together and he feels he doesn't want to keep in contact with you until he's a man making his keep. I have a boyfriend who is looking for a job right now and we can only see each other about once a week. I have told him implicitly that while it does strain our relationship I just want him to worry about his getting a job and I'm not going to worry about it. So that's why our relationship is working. It would be best to figure out what is going on with him, because you won't know until you talk.

8 Name: bingo : 2008-08-24 22:47 ID:xaDK2Mk/

oh, nvm, I thought you were talking about school, meaning college.

9 Name: Lovechan : 2008-08-24 22:52 ID:texOtUyB

i can sorta relate.

but i've given up already. we don't talk anymore so it's sorta ok.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-25 05:39 ID:jLIHp+8u

no relationships at 15 are not a waste

he just doesnt know what he wants. i was in this situation... then he will grow up and really regret that he didnt keep you

11 Name: Lovechan : 2008-08-25 07:01 ID:texOtUyB

i just found out that he's moving about an 1-2 hours from me.
i ...he didn't tell me.
this happened like a 3 months ago and i had to find out from my friend... he never told me anything that might make me sad.
i wish i could give him the drawing i drew of him...even though it's not really good.
i still feel like i hvae to tell him something...i told him to take care of himself and that i'll miss him.
idk if i should tell him to keep his promise(3 months ago he found out he MIGHT be moving[now it's certain] and he promised me he'd come back when he can drive and meet me at the swings at this one park. and he told me he wouldn't have any girlfriends until then because he loved me.) and i told him that's sweet but not to make any promises you can't keep. then he said "well i'll try"

idk what i should do....

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-25 12:17 ID:akpaeSrG

I think you need to break it off with him. If he's moving away from you it'd be best for both of you. You're only 15 and you have a long long long time before you really need to worry about anything like relationships.

And by long long long time, I mean maybe a few years? Nah make that 5 years...

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-29 17:09 ID:ZAtOP30O

stay friends and if you like him just dont lose touch. you never know what the future can bring.

14 Name: Vpeti : 2008-09-01 01:52 ID:YiJ26bsf

He might have problems like being too shy or a perfectionist. What you do is, ask yourself if you love him, even with his issues? If yes, then love him his way. Words don't really matter that much, maybe he is bad with them. You can communicate with touches too: if you hold his hand and he holds on to yours then it says as much as "I love you", in fact its harder to lie this way.

If you do not love him, find someone who knows how to better handle girls. But I feel that you expect something from a romantic relationship that it really isn't; I've been there.

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