I'm confused...about this.... (12)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-15 13:49 ID:mpj+l5dh

I'm learning Japanese,
writing my JLPT exams,
I'm in level 4 (basic)

one day, My teacher hadn't arrived yet,
So, I was sent to level 3 class
by another teacher
To my surprise,
I didn't think he'd be sitting beside me,
This guy who I met before I joined the Level 4 course
He's in level 3.

He was there the whole class,
But I really didn't talk to him,
Toward the near end of the class,
for the exam-feared person I am,
I hesitantly approached him for help; study guidelines...
You see, he came first in the exams last year,
I expected him to say
"Just revise, It'll be fine" and leave
like any other first-rank person
BUT he gave me more in-depth guidance for the exam
I thanked him.

after that day, I've taken my preparation more seriously
I actually enjoy it...

Here's the thing,
I was always taken down by a strange feeling of holding back,
I was quite nervous to approach him,
my heart would beat fast
And after that, it just feels like I got sugar high.

What is it that I feel towards him?
Do I like this Guy?
Am I afraid of him?

tell me what's happening

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-15 18:48 ID:vgKLQwyX

Is this like a free-verse poem or something?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-15 19:37 ID:+ZfST+qQ

>>2 now that you've mentioned it,
sure sounds like it....
but could you please straighten this out for me? =(

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-15 21:35 ID:MJND2c7p

Might I suggest looking into being a poet? You're fairly good at this.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-16 03:31 ID:u5EY9DHL

If you have fleeting visions of kissing him then I would have to say you have a thing for him. You probably just admire his grasp of the material and appreciate the random help he gave you. Maybe you are curious about him too, but think it would be weird to approach him. I'm just throwing out some possibilities here, but unless you are feeling sexual feelings about him it's not anything with being gay.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-16 04:09 ID:oIwxgE5d

>>4 Thank you, I could try poetry guys =)

But I really need some advice pertaining to my questions
back in my post.
I haven't felt this way, This feeling is new.
So I need some actual advice on
what am I feeling, why, and what can I do.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-16 14:24 ID:yfHSrJel

Not really any fleeting visions of kissing and all,
But I was happy when I spoke to him, and somehow glad that he spoke back and also gave me useful guidelines ,
So I guess I do like him? (Do I?)
It's so unlike me liking someone all of a sudden,
Is it okay to like him?
should I talk to him?

8 Name: bingo : 2008-09-16 15:46 ID:u5EY9DHL

Oh, I was hoping I could give counsel and encouragement, telling you it's ok to be gay, and that love knows no difference in race, gender, etc, etc. But it looks like that shall be unnecessary.

There are people out there that have a certain vibe, sense of charisma, an aspect that can draw other people in. People such as Martin Luther King Jr., The Dalai Lama, Kennedy (even Hitler unfortunately) and there are celebrities and even ordinary people that have the ability to draw people to them. This is just how some people are. Some people seem to be drawn to me, just because I'm a nice person, I call them my friends.

Perhaps it's having confidence in oneself that draws people to others, or who knows what attracts one person to another. But admiration, or having a sense of affection for someone else is not necessarily sexual. Perhaps there is something about this guy that makes you look up to him and admire him. Does that make you gay? No. Does that mean you can get to know him? Certainly. And you could find out that he's an ordinary person with good points that you can learn from and has flaws and things not to be admired about as well. So if you want to get to know him try talking to him.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-16 16:56 ID:cst9Kk+i

>>8 I'm a girl! not a guy...xD

And sure, I'll try talking to him.
thank you for the answers
I really appreciate it. (^_^)

10 Name: awooo : 2008-09-16 17:17 ID:Ujb4RqSr


11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-16 17:43 ID:vwaLXgWc

>>8 AAH! I forgot,
I only realized this after I thanked you (>_<);
Does the advice change,now that you know I'm a girl?

12 Name: bingo : 2008-09-17 00:22 ID:u5EY9DHL

The only thing I would add (since you are a girl) is you will have to make sure he doesn't get the wrong idea. Guys tend to get attached to girls easily. Maybe it's because we're so sexy and cute ^.^

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