Too many choices (20)

1 Name: Undeservingly lucky : 2008-09-18 05:44 ID:ZsIvCdVh

Okay, first let me explain the story.

I have the world at my feet, in terms of women. I left school a year and a half ago, hopped into work, and now at work i have a number of girls who seem interested in me. For starters there's this Chinese girl, Liajiao, about my age. We're always messing around and stuff. The other day i was serving a customer, felt something strange down by my ankle, looked down and she was pouring a satchet of pepper into my shoe. She then looks up at me with this adorable grin on her face. That's the kind of friendship we have going there.

Then there's another girl, Louise. She's about a year younger than me. She's...strange, to say the least. And around me, she always acts stranger. She'll just blurt out strange things as if she didn't have time to think it through, and if i pass by her she'll suddenly look at me, get this smile on her face and look away, quite alarmed and blushing.

And then the final girl, Alex. I met her through one of my friends at work. She's about a year older than me. She's always shown some sort of interest in me, and i was pursuing her until she hooked up with some random douche she met at a party. But then recently she broke up with him, and now the game is afoot, once again. She's okay to be around, but hardly the most intellectually stimulating of the three.

So, /love/rs, who do i go after? I'm spoilt for choice. #3 would be easiest, but most boring and likely to fail in the long run, #1 is middle tier, and would be good fun and stuff, while #2 is god tier - i'd have to work hard for a relationship there, and even then i'm not sure what i'd be getting into on account of her being such a strange person.

Decisions, decisions...

2 Name: Undeservingly lucky : 2008-09-18 05:47 ID:ZsIvCdVh

I also should point out, that their looks do not matter. They are all incredibly good looking, with very good bodies. I'm more concerned about what they are like as people.

3 Name: Undeservingly lucky : 2008-09-18 05:49 ID:ZsIvCdVh

I also should point out, that their looks do not matter. They are all incredibly good looking, with very good bodies. I'm more concerned about what they are like as people.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-18 07:16 ID:x5NCVWaT

Go for the middle tier, the older chick will most likely be looking for something different in a relationship than you are. As for the apparent god tier, don't do it. After a while, the oddities become just plain annoying.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-18 15:10 ID:oVGBzXkC

Only you know them, so wtf kind of advice are you expecting us to give you?

I am always having this problem of being unable to choose, but it's better to make a wrong choice than to be ronery.

I love quirky girls and frankly who cares about the long run in their 20s?

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-18 20:06 ID:IdB5LiBp

Liaojao really sounds like a fob. It wont last her english might be good, but your relationship will still end up lost in translation some way or another.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-19 00:19 ID:Heaven

>and she was pouring a satchet of pepper into my shoe [...] That's the kind of friendship we have going there.

What. The. Fuck.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-19 05:43 ID:Heaven


you lucky bastard

9 Name: Undeservingly lucky : 2008-09-19 10:00 ID:w6vXa8Wx

Well then, Liajiao gets priority then.

Lousie gets second place. Oddities can become annoying, but only when they involve 'bawwww life sucks'. Thankfully, she isn't depressed.

Meanwhile, for other personal reasons i've been dwelling on, Alex gets last place.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-19 23:50 ID:qp/2smQY

Life isn't a dating sim, anon. It seems that you're more thrilled about the fact that you have so many ladies to choose from than actually entering a relationship.

I'm probably wrong, but judging by your post alone, I'd label you an asshole who didn't deserve any of them.

At any rate, since you want an answer, go with Alex. Finish what you started, and maybe you'll learn something about what you really want out of a relationship without doing too much damage to either her or yourself.

Good luck.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-20 00:43 ID:Heaven

>I'd label you an asshole who didn't deserve any of them.

Which is probably why they are after him in the first place and not, provided you are a guy, after you.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-20 02:15 ID:qp/2smQY

I'm a chick. Not everybody subscribes to that "nice guys lose out" doctrine. Stop pushing it like it's absolute truth.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-20 03:36 ID:Heaven

OP, you should stop watching those weird japanese cartoons.

14 Name: Undeservingly lucky : 2008-09-20 05:19 ID:5n6+CceH

Don't worry femanon, i'm one of those nice guys who usually loses out. That's why i'm undeservingly lucky. Everything has been going surprisingly well for me recently.

I guess i am more thrilled about it all than anything. It's been a few years since my last real relationship, and i'd just about given up any hope of finding a girl who likes me. Then i get 3 at once. Cruel fate, har har.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-20 11:10 ID:Heaven

I guessed you were. Noticed the probably in my sentence? It's because this theory, sadly, is often statistically verified. That of course -hopefully!- doesn't exclude exceptions. Thank you to be one of them.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-21 09:37 ID:n6P1avv2


Remember, things typed on the internet appear larger than they are in real life.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-22 05:28 ID:oVGBzXkC


>>and she was pouring a satchet of pepper into my shoe

Chinese tend to do pull that off sooner or later, weird humour eh?

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-22 21:27 ID:prAEbCbS

Which of em is the easiest for you to hang around with? Pick that one.

19 Name: fartman : 2008-10-06 21:00 ID:rU/BIMvn

okay, its not a difficult question to answer. you should go for all those 3. it gonna be a lot of fun!

but before that, wake up and do your homework. there is no time to dream

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-10-06 21:11 ID:aHIU4CTe

Problem is that chicks who like nice guys are always shy. And you know nice guys aren't the bravest either.

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