the asian guy is a lonely life (15)

1 Name: urekun : 2008-09-28 07:48 ID:zA7u/yEq

I'm an asian guy that is unable to attract any local girls in my area. I have a great personality and i'm not ugly, but i'm not handsome either.. i'm average. I'm not shy or unconfident about chatting to girls, but i'm unable to get a relationship with a white girl in my area.

I have met some really awesome girls and talked to them, but any girl that is open minded about having a relationship with an asian guy is either taken(by a white guy) or moved to a different state. So, many girls that are stuck here are very bitchy and annoying to a point that I wouldn't even want a relationship with them in the first place.

I just feel like i'm going to be single forever, if I don't leave this town >.< I want to hurry up and finish college.

2 Name: urekun : 2008-09-28 07:53 ID:zA7u/yEq

this is from an article that I read:

"when many people see a pretty white woman with a good-looking Asian man the question that pops into their heads is "Why's she with him?" more often than "Why's he with her?"

 It's only natural. We've been told so often about the desirability of white women that we simply presume that an Asian man too would find a pretty white women desirable. But we are left to guess at her possible motives for being with him. Not that there aren't hundreds of thousands of handsome, charming and successful Asian men who, by all rights, should be attractive to women of any race. But we are all too aware that American society has built up many negative preconceptions about Asian men that would take extraordinary consideration, some special X factor, to overcome.
The many examples of famous AM/WF couples (Mr/Mrs Yo-Yo Ma, Ming Tsai, Scott Oki, Charles Wang etc), don't really help, merely reinforcing the common presumption that the AM must be wealthy and able to provide an exceptional degree of financial security, material comfort or social status. Another common suspicion is that he must be unusually charming, cultured or sexually gifted. Then there's the old standby -- that the woman must have some odd fixation on Asian men or Asian culture.
Of course intellectually we know better. Just as there are many independent-minded Asian men who see through blonde bimbo stereotypes to the real qualities of white women, there are white women who ignore stereotypes about Asian men. Which leads to the question: What's the real draw? Is it the black hair? educational level? smooth skin? cultural values? upslanting eyes? personality and character traits? Here's a chance for white women who love Asian men to set the record straight."

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-28 08:00 ID:d6si2Cfp

Do you have a question?

4 Name: urekun : 2008-09-28 08:09 ID:zA7u/yEq

Oh sorry, the question is what does it take for an asian guy to attract a white female?

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-28 10:43 ID:Heaven

Get game. Be alpha.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-28 17:17 ID:KGToEGbT

Just keep asking girls out. It's all about the odds. Eventually one will have to say yes.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-28 18:41 ID:MloYJj2Z

Blame Hollywood. White guy gets the asian girl.

8 Name: bingo : 2008-09-28 18:43 ID:cybrUGWk

I think that it could be that each individual has a different taste in what they are looking for. There are girls out there that are going to like asian guys. You just have to go up to girls that you find attractive and try asking them out. Unfortunately, since you are a guy you will have to be the one that approaches girls, and not the other way around. The only way you'll get a girlfriend is by trying.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-28 18:56 ID:4DLPnIId

I'm a white Jewish guy and my younger sister loves Asian blokes...

Are you in oZ?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-28 23:40 ID:fILDl3So

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-29 06:15 ID:Heaven

Girls only found me attractive because I reminded them of cardboard cutout pop-star Koreans. Personality? Intelligence? I've got tons of it. Don't listen to me, though, nope. Just stare into my eyes and think of how I remind you of those fucks you see because your dumb ass browses Youtube all day long. Shallow whores. Feel lucky you aren't being so easily picked up.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-29 08:22 ID:Heaven


>Feel lucky you aren't being so easily picked up.

You have got to be kidding

13 Name: urekun : 2008-09-29 10:18 ID:zA7u/yEq

>>7 I do blame Hollywood! damn them!

>>5 >>6 Unfortunately, in this town that I live in majority of the population is white and it's a really conservative state.

>>9 Damn!

>>10 I'll check that site out, i'll be great for some lulz or some depression o.o which ever occurs first.

>>11 I'm going to stab your eyes out.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-09-29 15:59 ID:nWMeIRbG

OP is unlucky as far as his geographical coordinates go. In my town, the white girls swoon over Asians. Unfortunately it's because they're all weeaboos, but you take what you can get, right?

15 Name: fartman : 2008-10-06 21:06 ID:5FkNPLlH


>I have a great personality

probably you have a awful personality

>i'm not ugly

probably you r terribly ugly.

thats why you are unable to attract anybody in the worldlol

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