i have a bf, but since i start college, we live in different cities. im starting to like this guy that i have been hanging out with and i feel so guilty. we live so close to each other. His dorm and my dorm room... im trying to stop myself from thinking of him. i been fantasizing about him and last night i got drunk at a party, and he carried me back home. i remember holding his hand so tight coz i couldn't walk on my own. i wish i could have hugged him at least and used excuse like i was drunk, but i didn't do anything.
All these crazy thoughts make me feel like a whore. I love my bf so much and i know this guy is not as caring and loving as my bf, but i still can't stop thinking about the guy. Am I a bad person? and how do i stop this from going too far? or should i just break up with my bf? I'm pretty sure i want to marry my bf because he's the best person i've ever met. Am I being selfish? :S
Friend zone the dude that lives in the next dorm. Stop thinking of the things he does as more than just common courtesy. It's the only way to salvage the rest of the relationship with your boyfriend. If you don't want to feel like a whore, decide who you like more. Otherwise you're just going to lay around and let your stomach turn in conflict over a problem that you've made in the first place.
You're an idiot.
From what I've read in your post, it doesn't sound like you want to marry your boyfriend at all. It sounds like you want to cheat on him.
Don't worry your bf is probably doing the same thing at his school. Don't two-time though, see if your bf's seriously about the two of you. If he's not, then it's a good thing you're living next to this guy, eh?