Right, so… what are the absolute bottom limits (for things like height, weight, fitness, etc.) for a guy (well, boy, really) to be considered likeable (maybe a bit further- "prospective boyfriend material")? I'm not at all repulsive, but I feel crappy compared to the other Asians I see at school. So sometimes I think that I'm nowhere near good enough to be even standing next to a girl, let alone the one that I like.
Uh huh.
don't think like that... it's not about how you look... there isn't a bottom limit, a girl could like you even if you have 200kg and you are short.... You can be likeable but don't expect super models to come after you. It's the way you think that counts.
Just to reformulate >>2: Why should other people like you, if you don't like yourself?
If you like yourself, trust me, you will be alright, even if you are ugly as a toad.
Is that really all there is (to it)?
OP, you need to take a closer look around. I see ugly motherfuckers with hot girls on a daily basis. Personality goes a very long way with most women. Unlike with guys and hot airheaded girls, if you are fantastic looking but have the personality of a brick, a girl isn't going to stick around unless you are paid. Whereas being able to make a woman laugh and generally happy on a consistent basis will lock you in solid.
The initial approach is the most difficult part if you can't rely on your looks, but if you can strike up a conversation you should have a chance to communicate personality/desirability enough to overcome your other difficulties. Asian guys have it espiecally tough, but not impossible.
Well it really depends how superficial it's the girl you're trying to catch.
I don't mind if my hubbie doesn't shower in a hole month.
Psch, I love Asian guys @_@
and I'm a white girl.. not bad looking either. Too bad the only Asian at my high school is a jerk. Well, at least he is good eye-candy.
A good person would overlook if you look good or bad. Only a perv would let that change their opinion of you.
the main problem is, there isnt alot of good people, as much as you want to believe you are a good people and maybe others but the truth is, girls and guys have a natural instinct of judging people first the looks...
so what >>10 said...that means we are all pervs, sorry but im just bitter from feeling that i will never have a relationship.
i have too many problems about myself to even have a relationship, my life is complicated and locked up. i wish to have a relationship but thats not going to happen,i have so many friends i lost count, i become this person who is friends with all but never good enough to go further.
hmm please understand OP, i'm not the greatest looking guy...i'm far from hot, i'm immature, and i'm sometimes pessimistic and it wouldn't hurt to lose a couple of lbs/kg. yet i've been in relationships before. im only in college.
do you see what i'm getting at? None of that mattered to the girl's i dated. it was because they liked me for who i was inside. sure i was pessimistic and immature BUT everyone is in their own way. immature makes things fun, and everyone in this world is pessimistic to an extent.
No one is as bad as you make yourself sound. Looks only matter to a certain level and that level varies on every girl. Good girls to Stuck up Bi*ches. Stay positive, everyone here is bound t find someone
There are no baseline qualifications. Every girl likes different things. One of my friends like her men very muscular, I don't. I like mine chubby and geeky, with glasses. Another one of my friends wants nothing more than a tiny little Asian boy to keep at home and have as a housewife. A lot of it is about your personality--especially if you want the less-shallow girls.
As for baseline qualifications, I lied. Here they are: Bathe on a regular basis. Wash you clothes, smell good--hell HYGIENE!!!
Don't be an asshole.
there is a lot of talk about overweight guys but what about guys that are too skinny? I mean I look anorexic but it's not because I don't eat. I just can't gain any weight.