So I've been through 4 dates with this new girl (got another one tentatively scheduled for this weekend!) and things have been going AWESOME. I've gotten the cuddles, the kisses, she calls/texts me, and whenever I call/text her she always picks up/replies... and it seems we're really connecting.
However, this has been the first time I've had a real connection with a woman outside of sexual relations (have had fuckbuddies for a long time, but haven't had a real girlfriend in years)... and frankly, I've actually forgotten how to "move in for the kill"- not as in getting her in bed (that I can do easily)- but as in finally getting the ball REALLY rolling and finally getting this thing official.
I'm so close, y'all. But I need some ideas on how to REALLY do this stuff... cuz I don't want to screw up this chance.
things get official without really saying anything. Actually, your ball has already rolled aka just go with the flow, you are doing fine
Yeah you're right; just gotta keep doing what I'm doing!