Two guys-who do I go after? (20)

1 Name: cinnamonroll : 2008-11-19 05:51 ID:Rgikw5MT

So there's two guys that I both like.

Guy A is kind of dorky: videogames, band geek, all that jazz. I didn't start liking him until this year, and he has quite a bit in common with me. Problem is, I hardly ever see him, and when I do, we barely talk, mainly because I freeze up.

Guy B is more jock-ish, but not really. Like, he's more athletic and confident and all that, but we really don't have much in common. However, he will actually come up and talk to me if he sees me. Earlier today, he actually put his arm around my shoulders while we were talking, and yesterday, he kept "accidentally" bumping into me in the halls. Problem with him: he's taken, so I'm not sure if he's actually flirting or what.

/love/, what the crap do I do? Should I go after A and stay friends with B, or see if B is actually interested?
(By the way, I don't have any classes with either of them.)

2 Name: cinnamonroll : 2008-11-19 05:52 ID:Rgikw5MT

Forgot to mention: I liked B last year, but got over him, which is why I've been able to talk to him this year without freezing up. Just wanted to clear that up.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 05:56 ID:DoxU29bo

go for a

4 Name: Otakun : 2008-11-19 06:35 ID:4q5+1Kz0


5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 07:00 ID:365RBX9N

another vote for a

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 08:36 ID:Heaven

Wtf why are you even considering a guy who's taken?
I vote for A because it makes you less of an asshole.

7 Name: "'(é!!tEUETvog : 2008-11-19 15:10 ID:Heaven

Guy C

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 17:16 ID:SOIN20Oq

Guy A.
B sounds like he would be less faithful.

9 Name: Scotland : 2008-11-19 20:30 ID:a58dD7Kk

i think u will be better connected with Guy A, since both of you are shy and freeze up, and once you get past that stage your relationship with him will be that much greater.
Usually the quiet ones are the most loyal ones, but have a hard time expressing it outwardly, you might have that problem as well, in which case you will understand more.

Guy B, already has a gf, and you would be a bitch to be taking someones boyfriend away, without considering his girlfriends feelings, and he probably only sees you as a friend unless you force him into a corner with sex, in which case he would obviously go for it and both you and him would be in difficult situations and a pile of mess to sort out.
Guy B might be outgoing, and a boy boy, (acts solid around his mates, do and talk some funny things) thats normal.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 22:03 ID:dg9cwG35

If B does turn out to be flirting, that means he'd be doing so while having a girlfriend. And if he's willing to do that with someone else, he'd be willing to do it to you.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 22:13 ID:rtjeMWU3

go for E all of the above

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 22:38 ID:jXoPQN8R

Oh hai OP! listen to

>>9 what scotland said!

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-19 23:20 ID:qpZLiBOp


not that all quiet ones are loyal... some quiet ones are actually quite bad out there.

but your case OP, just get to know A more, cuz B's taken already!! Yes, like what was said above... you can think of guy C, D, E, F, .. Z and beyond.

How to know A more (so you can actually talk to in and have a conversation):

  • talk about the things you guys have in common!! Hobbies, interests, etc. Hang out and do the same stuff!!!

Others... please add on to list.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-20 13:14 ID:WYKOVFzo

A obviously or none of the above, why the fuck are you even asking?

15 Name: Scotland : 2008-11-20 19:14 ID:nTK3B8JB

>> 13

didnt say all were loyal, i said most are.
and thats to do with being self critical all the time, so you become shy.
i actaully know alot of Guy B's, i would say the majority of them are B's since they are all loud and funny and have know problem with girls but can be dicks to them. As for me in this group of mine, i would consider myself Guy A/B Half, since i play video games, but like to go to the gym (kinda addicted to the gym cause i love it when my muscles are tensed and bulked up after a workout and have no problem talking to girls, only thing is i am too shy to ask for a relationship, and feel i dont deserve one thought i want one.
so trust me, i know who are loyal and trustworthy and stuff, since i pretty befriend anyone who is in my direction and build up a group of people.
not good with asking out though since i hate losing friends.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-21 07:27 ID:NjvNnHj9

You came on this message board to ask such a question, of course you'll get Guy A for an answer! ^_~

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-21 08:57 ID:7imkrsgw

Guy A, since Guy B already has a girlfriend. Don't set yourself up for drama. You also have more in common with Guy A, so it's easier for it to last--and the conversation will probably be more interesting.

And I concur with >>16, who do you think you're asking~?

18 Name: cinnamonroll : 2008-11-22 06:10 ID:/NZqjp6N

OP here.

Thanks guys. I figured that B would probably be a waste of time, I just needed confirmation from people that have no connection to the situation.

I like A a lot, I really do, I just can't work up the nerve to talk to him TT.TT Seriously, I was hanging out after school today with some of my friends and he was RIGHT THERE and of course I didn't say anything. His birthday was earlier this week and I haven't even had the chance to wish him happy birthday in person. Actually, scratch that- I've had chances, I just haven't taken them.

I fail so hard at this, it's depressing. I'm thinking of IMing him to ask him to the movies, since I figure that that would be easier for me than asking him in person, because I've already failed so epically at that. Wish me luck, guys~

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-11-22 16:32 ID:EZAB0nTX

>>18 Good Luck OP ^^

20 Name: cinnamonroll : 2008-12-05 02:26 ID:jKbWIVCq

OP here, update time.

I seem to have mostly gotten over the freezing up, at least for now. I talked to A a couple of times this week between classes without making a fool of myself, so it's a start.

Do you guys have any ideas for where we could go if I asked him on a date? I don't drive, but there is a coffee shop within walking distance from where I live.

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