Falling for my best friend (41)

31 Name: feitizero : 2008-12-15 09:58 ID:LwQVsqUt

I will confess, but not now. She's been wanting to spend some time with me because she's alone (she bought me dinner yesterday, something that almost never happens since she's usually broke, and she called me late tonight just to talk), but it's obvious she's still hurting, even though she's taking it better this time. She wants nothing to do with boys or sex or relationships.

So that's why I wanna wait, but I also don't want to wait too much. I was thinking sometime after Christmas, or maybe just before Christmas, when she returns from visiting her family over the weekend. I'm afraid of rushing things too soon after a breakup.

But this week, I'm not worrying about it. I'm gonna focus on just spending time with her.

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