does acting aloof make you more appear more date-able?
Rather than fall into the trap of the friend zone I figure that acting a bit aloof from women would make me more attractive. I don't feel like acting like a cocky SHIT WAS SO CASH guido so this suits me more.
is this true or am I just blowing shit?
Just be yourself...I don't have a girlfriend, but hey...that's what the pros tell me.
I think it's a bad strategy, but maybe some girl will like it. But I find it unlikely,...
I hear confidence is to women as T&A is to dudes...straight dudes at least.
OP here.
but it's not a "strategy". that's just how I am in general. I'm not some social butterfly that constantly needs validation but I can carry a conversation when needed.
"Acting" won't make you more attractive no..
What's T&A? Azriel? >>4
And yes, confidence it's the MOST important thing in a guy, confidence and brains... well, at least for me, but confidence it's for all guys.
T&A is tits and ass...making an analogy on 4
I think you are acting naive. Being yourself is the best way to attract women. Women can see through bullshit from a mile away and besides if you are looking for a long term relationship you will have to tell the truth because there is no way to can keep up a lie for that long.
Several people here hammered it on the head. The only thing women want is confidence. As long as you can show you are confident they will be all over you, despite what you do with your life. If you don't believe me, look at the airhead jocks and jerks out there. Yes they are assholes, but what they do they do it with confidence. You cannot fake confidence, it is a either you have it or you don't type of deal.
how do i gained confidence
>>If you don't believe me, look at the airhead jocks and jerks out there.
Yes, but they're jocks and jerks, and thus already have the upper hand. No woman is going to date an otaku, no matter how confident he is.
>No woman is going to date an otaku, no matter how confident he is.
there is much truth and sadness in this statement. I myself built up my confidence, upgraded my fashion sense, and became adept at the art of small talk, but all that was for naught when I got rejected, mostly for my nerdy hobbies and "how weird we'd look together".
fucking nigger bullshit of the highest degree.
Being yourself is great if you want a committed, long-term relationship, and want to be rejected by ten out of ten women on the way.
But if you just want a date friday night be the guy that gets a date for friday night.
I am a nerd. I have a hot girlfriend. It is possible
I think all of you are getting dejected because you got rejected once and life is over. Dating is a numbers game. I cannot count the number of times I have been shot down, but I did not let that phase me. But soon enough you will find a girl who is interested in you.
I am curious to know what type of girls many of you are chasing. Because some girls can be extremely superficial and only look about looks and social status. Those girl will only go after the rich and/or good looking. They may seem sweet and nice but girls love to put up fronts just to get the most attention possible.
So if can talk about the girl who has rejected you (>>14) or have specific examples I can try to give better advice.
I refuse to believe that everyone is hopeless. If I could get one, why can't everyone else?
You have it right. It is a numbers game. You just need to get out there, expose yourself (not literally) to as many women as possible, and take lots of chances. Don't hedge yourself into a single type. Get to meet lots of different and diverse types of people. If you keep chasing after the same type of girl, your outcome isn't likely to change.
Of course, this isn't possible for everyone. Myself included. I work strange hours. Almost graveyard shift. Money's good though.