I'm in a long-distance (internet) relationship. I'm happy with it, but I really want sex. Now. Some unemotional pleasure. So I'm thinking of finding a fuck-buddy and not telling the boyfriend. However, if he ever found out, he'd be heartbroken because he loves me so much. I really love him too.
I feel bad that I'm feeling this way even though I haven't done a thing yet, but I don't want to wait until we meet up which will be quite some time. Is this a terrible thing? Does anyone else do this? Comments please.
Go date Charlie Sheen. Apparently, he's good at it ;)
Lemme see... coming from a man who has been left for another man twice and cheated on twice... I'd say FUCK NO. Don't be a bitch, he's done nothing wrong to you and if you say you love him respect that shit.
If you can't take a long-distance relationship, that's one thing, and maybe this is part of it, and if you must break up with him, you should. But don't cheat. Break up with him, but for the love of god, coming from a man who has been heartbroken four times by such behavior, don't cheat.
I'm in a long distance relationship, and also have sexual urges. Still I evacuate them through masturbation, because getting sexually involved with someone I'm not interested in is too cumbersome.
More importantly, I would just not have sex with someone who is not my partner and keep it a secret, because that would really be a betrayal of trust. I can't promise I won't have sex with someone else than my partner, but if it happens I will talk about it before resuming having sex together.
Do it. Go have sex with someone else. But break up with him before you do. He will be better off without you and without worrying when you're going to do it again.
Thanks everyone. After some consideration, I realized I shouldn't be in a long distance relationship unless I'm prepared to deal with the consequences of being in one.
Great to hear that. It's nice that you could reach such a conclusion.
Why not discuss it with him? Love and sex are two different things. What do people have against open relationships? As long as you love each other, sex for pleasure, for relief from stress, etc., shouldn't be aproblem.