i cant seem to find a girlfriend (4)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-22 02:50 ID:P1LCIpj+

well...where to begin? im 17, black, a nice average build, about an 8 in the looks department, a great guy, im funny, but i cant seem to get a girl friend.i suck at flirting, and tense up whenever im around a girl i like. i also seem to punk out alot, and end up missing out on the girl. i dont know what my problem is, whether im too nice or something else. im writing, hoping that someone here can help.

i think the problem started earlier this year though. i was dating this girl for 4 months. i was in so much ove, i was happier than i had been in my whole life, and so was she or so i thought. her mother didnt like me much(i never found out why) and so she made her call it off. she was heart broken, and so was i. we had planned on fighting her mother though, sticking it out. i did, but she didnt. about 2 weeks after the break-up i found out she had gotten back with ex. wheni asked her y, she said bcuz she realized her mother wasnt gonna change her mind, and that we weren't gonna last cuz i was going off to college soon. this cut deep....i had litterally did everything in my power to keep her, but she didnt care. i told her some of my darkest secrets, things i havent even admitted to myself in years. we had made plans of the future, even named the kids we wanted. i knew we were moving way too fast, but it felt right to me, like i was part of the .01% who actaully find there soulmate. but i was wrong, and it took me all summer to get over her.

i want a new girlfriend, but i dont really dont know how....can anyone help?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-22 07:04 ID:hNyTU4Ot

Well,... you already had a gf, so it's not like you are clueless. You don't necessarily need to be that good at flirting. Already being interested in someone is a good start, if you have that then it's just a matter of spending time with that person.

Maybe you also need to let the matter of your previous relationship go. If you are a bitter person, nobody will be attracted to you. This being said, the best way to get past that IS actually to get a new gf, so it's a bit of a catch-22.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-22 09:29 ID:kZ6BzjzL

was the girl you were dating white?

if you were able to get a girl once you can get one again. you are hung up on your ex. let her go, be yourself and you will be fine.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-12-22 16:26 ID:P1LCIpj+

OP here
im not really a bitter person, though i do have a bit of a petty side. i realize i need to get someone new to get over the last one, but for some reason, im terrified to commit myself to talkin to other girls. its really fustrating \(xox)/

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