okay so the girl im in love with is bi and she loves my best friend who is a girl. shes dated alot of my guy friends and me and her are very close. altough it took me sometime to accept this but i am also bi and she does know this. so what do i do
Well, if she likes your friend and not you, then it's though luck for you, and it doesn't matter if your friend is a girl or a boy. Also, I don't see what does it change if you are bi or hetero on this matter. Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, you only have a chance with her if she really is interested in you.
that is all very true but isnt it funny that the girl she likes is more interested in her bestfriend who is a guy than her. but either way were all competing with eachother over someone. im just trying to get her to like me
I smell an orgy in the near future.
hahaha lol! dude i wish. unfoutunatly she is sooo uptight about her virginity. listin to this she has never smoked, drank, or had sex. while theres me who smokes pot, cigs,cigars, and drinks anything from rum to vodka. but i digress im still a virgin. but im not in it for the sex though. im in frekin love with the girl so.....
My suggestion is to try again when you both turn 14.
well thats once again all true. but .... i promised that i would stop drinking ,smoking ect and i have. but keep in mind that i told her this ummmm i think monday so im trying to say clean from that stuff now . but shes 15 and im 16 so. but theres only two problems. i like to hang with my friends and ...... party. and she likes to do.......homework 24/7. which is a great but im trying to show her that partying aint sooo bad.also she likes men with a femine side please explain.
>she likes men with a femine side please explain.
It means not you.
i.e. someone who is not a macho "hurrr durrr that's so cool man"
See >>6
>>4 here, in case cookie expired and ID changed. I want to give an in depth explaination of >>6, >>7, and >>10.
>>4 is now obsolete as of >>5. Reason: if you got into a relationship it would fail HORRIBLY due to YOUR lifestyle.
Give up. You've failed already. Conflict in interests. Also, IQ gap between you and her is about 50 points so the relationship wouldn't work. Ok, I'm exaggerating. It's more like 40 points.
There's just too big of a culture gap between you and her. If you were MUCH less paaaaaartay and more study then it might work. However, the problem is the paaaaaartay part of you. It's obvious since you have no clue as to why she might not interested. Yeah, you've got the "drugs, booze, smokes" part down, but you think it's OK. She thinks you're going to rot in an alley begging for change. I'm exaggerating again, you're gonna end up living in a trailer park. She's studying and you've noticed. That means STUDYING is MORE IMPORTANT than PAAAAAARTAY.
>also she likes men with a femine side explain
Guys who have womanly (it's feminine, BTW) qualities such as being sensitive (not you), caring (not you), intelligent (not you), intuitive (not you), et cetera. See >>10.
Final word: Give up. She's too good for you. And you're too low for her.
lol kids
alright number one if i realy fucking wanted to i could pass with all A grades. SO PLEASE DONT SAY THAT IM NOT SMART! some people fucking try the fucking hardest in this world and dont get SHIT back from it. oh and by why so hypocritical? yeah you passed high school. but cant say you like to party. two even from the mouth of the girl i like she says that im way to nice. and i care to much. hmm starting to get the picture? im a bad person? well at least im trying to change for the better!
Calm the fuck down, this is the internet.
My job is done here. Sage for thick-headed OP.
well yea your right everything is over. cause i lost the bet to my friend. here it is me and my friend frank both liked the girl that i was talking about before. so we made a deal that who ever she didnt choose would have two choices if they lost. A. suicide B. banishment. so it turns out to the fact that I lost the bet
>>15 Whoa man, calm down, your still way to young. trust me the chance that she was the one and you meet at 15 is way to small. if you friend wanted you to never be around after one of you got the girl he was never your friend, and if it was your bright idea wise up and apologise for being stupid. I don't mean stupid as in smarts, i mean it was stupit to but a girl between you and a friend.
ahh im sorry! my bad! me and the girl i like got into fight but were friends again. but shes says that were friends but she been ignoring me and i totally deserve it but now im confused on whether i should love her or hate her.
lol retard
>18 although you have a point you still could have not been such an ass about it. insults dont help anyone. oh and that sorry was to you >18.
opps wrong person that messege goes to >11
Your stupidity never fails to amuse me. I was trying to get the fucking point across that you are an idiot not to know why she didn't want a relationship with you. And who said I was helping you with insults? I was trying to protect an innocent civilian from idiotic male oppression.
Don't be confused and don't do either. You've got a friend, so don't fuck it up anymore.
hahaha i knew why she wouldnt go with me.it was really obvious.....i was just telling you my point of view.but why dont you listen to the rest of the story. retard
now for the rest of the story. like a week ago i was talking to her about christmas and what she wanted.... so she was kinda being a bitch about how she disliked nice people but i digress. so i went to italy and got her something and gave it to her today. so now were "good friends".... and im kinda over her now. cause if i look at it now theres better people out there than her.
>22 and no i didnt lie. it just became very clear to me that she just isnt the girl for me. like i said before theres better girls out there than her. so......
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