At what point in a relationship does one say "I love you"? I honestly do love her, and am pretty sure she feels the same way, but I'm not sure we've been dating long enough to say it. When should I say it? What should I do if she doesn't say it in turn?
How long have you two been dating? And how is the relationship?
You might want to compulse the archive first for a thread with the exact same purpose, that has received plenty of good and still valid advice.
You say it when you are pretty sure she feels the same way about you, and you wish to say it. From what you explain, that's already the case.
Well I brought mines up in a conversation when I first said it....
She asked me something about why I treat her the way I do and I replied "Because.... I love you" and thats how I started saying it.
Wait for her to say it first. Problem solved.
Please listen to >>4. If you are both in love, and are truly comfortable with each other, it's never "too early." You would only worry about it being "too early" if you're doubting yourself, or are delusional. In which case, it won't work out anyway.