like the title implies, anyone been in a relationship that the other person is not of your race, ethnicity, religion, etc?
How about if you are born from such a union, how would you classify your own relationships?
Anyways I think this depends too much on people's temperament and ttheir background's specificities
Racial barriers are much easier to get over than religion. Religion it's not going to work out one way or another. You can overcome race though, it just takes work.
I'm white from the UK, I've been out with an asian girl and it didn't even occur to me to think about it until I overheard someone talking about interracial relationships and I thought, "Oh yeah. I'm in one of those." I guess it depends where you're from and what your attitude is like >>2 says.
I'm 17 and I'm currently going after this Korean girl who I just found out is a new student direct from Korea. She's highly appealing, amazingly beautiful, and totally my image of perfect. problem is I'm not exactly good looking, and I'm Filipino. How's that a problem? I'm darker skinned. Plus everytime I see her, she's always around other Korean guys. They look like they get along well with her enough to be her boyfriends. It's my last year and she gets to spend 2 more with these dudes. Is there any chance I can "outshine them"?
Already I'm moving fast. We constantly small talk and now it's too the point where I'm taking my noble step. ASk her out on a date. I know it's fast but I really don't have long. I really feel for this girl. Dudes, the first time I saw her merge into my French class I fell head over heels. I just couldn't stop smiling, it was pathetic.
Other Asians hate Filipinos more than White Americans hate Black Americans. Good luck, you'll need it.
People convince themselves that these things aren't important, but they really rise to the forefront when infatuation starts to wear off.
koreans are fast...
i'm indonesian but i live in korea for my undergraduate program...
for me, it's seems okay for korean to be fast paced...
i asked my girlfriend for dinner in 3 weeks from the first time we met.
but there's some difference though...
there's several korean guy backing me up and giving me courage.
and also, she seems to be interested with me as well (not for sure though...)
in your case...
it's normal if she's hanging out with other koreans since she's just got there from korea...
you should be brave and keep moving bro~
when you're out with her, ask her to also teach you korean language and you could also teach some of filippine's language to her~ ^^
start learning korean bro~ good luck~
WOOH! It totally worked out perfectly! I was so freaking nervous when I did it but she just chuckled at that. Anyway, after I gave her a rose, chocolates, and a dvd (this is totally me), I was able to ask her out on her a date for tomorrow, Feb. 14. She said she'll ask if her it's cool with her sis and so she gave me her number and that was that. Later she told me that I should text my number to her. Sweet! Although later on I saw that she was holding other valentine chocolates that weren't mine. Could it be someone is also interested in her? Should I worry? Seeing as how I'm graduating this year and she has 2 years more, is it possible that this mystery guy could get the better of me?? Gaahh!!
Awesome! Good luck Casio.
Don't let society tell you that you are worth less because you are dark skinned. I am mixed but am brown and look latino I guess. I've been on dates with Korean girls and Viet girls and caught the eyes of a beautiful German girl. And I'm average. A really beautiful Japanese friend dated a Mexican for a long time.
Most people are not racist and obviously the girl you like isn't.
>>6 showed the exact type of racist-witch-hunt generalizations you need to avoid. If you're a good person, discard the idea of hate; anyhow, who cares if someone wants kids or sex in a skin tone. Move along.
I'm White British, and my girlfriend is Taiwanese (See: ), and we've been going very strongly now for nearly 8 months. So strongly I'm even starting to think that she could be "the one".
Race makes no difference at all. If anything it makes things more interesting as we're learning more about each other's cultures, and I'm making an effort to try and learn Mandarin Chinese. >>2 hits the nail on the head here as well.
I'm mixed race and I feel cheated that I've rarely had contact with other people of the same ethnicity as me.
Makes life easier if both are same ethnicity, but who doesn't like a little challenge? I've been dating this thai lady now over a year (myself being european) and things are going great. Sure we've had our share of misunderstandings, and i know more are to come, but we got over them quite easily. I still haven't introduced her to my family or to my friends but if someone doesn't approve her being with me, then I don't think that it would be problem for me. But I believe that buddhist, non-radical sweet girl is more likely to be liked than someone with islamic beliefs. No offence here to muslims, but I think you know I mean racist generalization. But as stated before, in the end it's all down to attitudes.
I have East-Timorese friend who just got engaged to a vietnamese girl. They've been going out for 6 years since high school. Good couple too. :)
Well there's not much to say really. During the weekend we had bad weather so I guess that can explain why there was no date. Nahh, in actuality, she couldn't go cause she had plans with her sister and ended up going to a Valentines event at her church. It really bummed me out but instead of a date, I did get her number. SO really we ended up texting each other the whole weekend. I've learned a few things bout her from it and the more I'm learning, the more I'm slowly falling in.....GAHH! Too corny I know.
Anyway I plan to ask her out again next week to see Watchmen. Hopefully things work out.
Aside from all THIS good news I feel like theres some bad. After coming back to school from the texting and Valentines....she and I haven't talked at all this week. Cept I caught her taking glances at me a few days. And now I see she’s hanging with the other Korean guy which makes me even more……I guess jealous. And this dude really doesn’t seem at all bad. He’s like the typical asian nerd looking dude. Something I was a few years ago but eventually cleaned up nicely.So basically I have no idea what to say!! All I have been doing is smiling and waving hi! Remember, I don't want to seem like a stalker!
Umm why haven't you talked to her? Dude, you texted her all week and to her it seems you are blowing her off. She's probably like "wtf?"
You were almost in, but you lose to the nerd. Just go talk to her! Sheesh! If you've been texting...
And don't ask her to see Watchmen. Ask her to the movies and then ask what movie she'd like to see. In fact, go get cofee or something to eat before the movie and try to get in a good enough conversation to which you guys can forget seeing the movie. Do it!
i know you're still being nervous~
but some girl would think that texting is not enough...
men should be brave!
not only brave enough to ask her out but to be brave enough to meet and talk to her in school...
what would you do if she agrees wo go with you on saturday but you have not enough guts to talk 1:1 with her?
would you remain silent and do nothing?
you must train yourself from little conversation at school~
don't ever think about losing to another boy because that would make you 100% loser by losing from the start...
gather all of your bravery like that time when you ask her for the first time!
go go go!
(i think we should make a new thread for this)
I'll start the new thread.
now is for the real opinion for >>1
and my opinion:
yes it is...
since communication is number one in maintaining a relationship.
people may say maintaining a relationship with different ethnicity is easy as long as you can communicate each other but it is easier for people from the same ethnicity to communicate each other because they already have similar knowledge of averything around them better than other ethnic that has to be thought first about his/her own ethnic.
i actually dating a girl from different country right now.
it's quite easy since she also has interest to me.
but i'm having some language barrier here... so i think i would prefer if she's also have the same language with me.