1 Name: MezMez : 2009-02-14 05:05 ID:zUtJs7n/

Hey guys im 18 years old and havent been in a serious a serious relationship since god knows how long. The longest relationship ive had was 3 days. It is pitiful and I feel ashamed. Im slow at catching on to signs that girls like me. Im not ugly and I have alot of good looking girlfriends but I just cant get with someone nice that I like.


2 Name: fartman : 2009-02-25 22:32 ID:R81WeEHd

>Im slow at catching on to signs that girls like me

probably they dont show u any signs

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-25 22:36 ID:sEMCyaDK

Maybe you need to be more proactive? Anyways, your comment is too generic to make any useful comment. Make an effort, and explain us what are your difficulties, not just the end result.

For instance, why do you think your relationships are so short? Do you really have no clue?

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