Strange signals (7)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-23 04:24 ID:DeNqhBhF

I'm a 17 year old guy, high school senior. This girl 2 years younger than me is dropping some strange signals.

First she started saying crap like "I know you looooove me" in front of her friends in a pretty loud manner. Now I do think she is cute, but I haven't given any hints. I'm talking 0 feedback from me, most I've said is "go away" and "hi".

She also has a habit of saying "Hi [my name]" whenever she sees me alone or in a small group. Not in a casual way like 2 friends would greet each other; it's more pronounced and targeted. I generally ignore this, since I don't want people thinking anything weird about me.

So 4ch, what the hell is going on here?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-23 04:32 ID:iOdfxpMh

someone likes u.. or
someone is being mean to u..
is she kind and smiling? or is she looking rude and arrogant?
if smiling and nice, she likes you :)

3 Name: Demo-man : 2009-02-23 12:01 ID:3dqjwDh0


i think she was trying your gut.
Go show her who's da man!!! :D

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-23 15:42 ID:kR4YT6ik

>>1 The question is more whether you are interested in her or not. If yes, go for it. If not, just flatly say you're not interested, and then ignore her. She'll tire quickly.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-23 20:37 ID:DeNqhBhF

OP Here.


In all honesty, I am a bit interested now that 4ch has clarified the situation. The problem is I have no idea how I would go about communicating interest without seeming strange myself.

There are plenty of people in my age group dating people a year younger, but no one going as far as 2 years younger. I realize this is a non-issue in college and later on, but it seems taboo in HS for some reason.

Any way around this? Should I try indirect communication via a friend of mine (who has the wonderful attribute of not caring what others think of him - otherwise known as having balls)?

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-23 23:29 ID:mPxUeecP

>>5 Don't use a middle man, that's just counter productive: it complicates everything and is source of misunderstandings. The girl seems to be quite outgoing, so why don't you make use of it? Just tell her you'd like to see her outside of school, have a drink together, for instance, or a walk in some park or mall. Seeing her outside of school will lower the pressure you seem to have from your age differences (which are a non issue, really).

As a matter of a fact, you don't need to tell her that you're interested in her (although if you wish, you can), you just need to find ways of spending time with her. Develop some conversation with her to get to know her better, and then you will be able to decide on how/if to proceed.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-03-01 21:42 ID:Hb6Bd1AJ


its common at my school for people to date two years difference. all the time you see juniors dating freshman and sophomores dating seniors. a little off for my taste but it seems to work for them.

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