There's this male friend of mine. I think he wanted me a few months ago. I rejected him as bluntly as I could, because I'm terrified of leading anybody on. Building up someone's feelings only to crush them later is really fucking cruel.
We've been growing closer as buddies. It's like, I don't know, we've been growing INTO each other. I understand him better than I did before. There are parts of his character I used to hold in contempt, but now only feel a strange softness for. We argue less, and have a stronger rapport. It's hard for me to surprise him at this point.
Though no one's made my heart pound since last year, I do feel a weird tenderness building up. And I'm not sure I want it to happen.
He's an enormous nerd - the kind of nerdiness that makes you stiff, rigid (no, not the penis) all the time with repressed sexuality. Unobservant. Socially awkward, with a poor grasp of how other people think. Staunchly conservative. Judgmental.
I don't dislike him for these qualities, but they make me think he'd be a bad relationship. Hell, I would probably make him miserable too. He might really want a sweet submissive girl, and if he thinks he can somehow "defrost" me into that, he's dead wrong.
If it wouldn't work, I should repress everything. Right? If I rushed into something with him, only to realize I've made a horrible mistake weeks later, it would trample his poor spirit.
But I might be squandering a good opportunity for both of us at the same time. I don't know what to do...Should I just let it grow, and see what happens? If I think logically it wouldn't work shouldn't I be prudent and just suppress it like a motherfucker?
Suppression leads to stress and constipation.
Take this as you will.
>>he wanted me a few months ago, I rejected him as bluntly as I could
>>He might really want a sweet submissive girl
Why would he ask you out if he wants a sweet submissive girl. Make a move and let him decide.
Don't think, feel.
Oh, and OP, if you're still around:
You should just show him this thread! Or uh, if that's not good, then you should just tell him your feelings. 'Cause, communication remedies pretty much everything. In my opinion, if you did end up going somewhere with him and couldn't tell him this sort of stuff, the relationship wouldn't work well anyways.
So supressing shit doesn't work? Fine.
I'll just wait two weeks and see if I still feel the way I do about him. If so, then I'll try and make some move. I'm just beginning to teeter over the edge, you see.
If you have strong doubts about him, he's not right for you. Having an understanding best friend isn't the same as being in love, don't mistake those two feelings.
jump his bones, if it dont work though, it dont work.