There's a guy that I've liked since on the beginning of freshman year of high school that I want to ask to my school's Sadie Hawkin's dance, but I'm not quite sure how I should do it.
I'm thinking of baking him something, but would that be considered overboard?
Also, what do high school guys think of sentimental notes written by girls? I really want to write to tell him of my feelings for him, since I definitely know it's not just a puppy-love crush, but I don't want to freak him out. Would it be appropriate to write him a note as I ask him out or to wait until the unlikely situation that we're a couple?
that depends. how close are you?
if your relationship with im is not so close then baking him something might be a little.. too much
like >>2 says, you should be a bit more gradual. Sentimental notes are fine once you already received some positive feedback.
Why don't you just talk to him and ask directly?
>what do you mean positive feedback?
If he agrees to go dance with you, or to go out, and you have already some familiarity and experience with one another, THEN you might think about doing it, because you know better how he would take it, and he would know better how to interpret it coming from you.
well just think of this way, if somebody you barely knew came up to you and offered you some sort of food, wouldnt you feel a little uncomfortable, so just approach him first and then move up to whatever it is you would like to do with him that would take things to a next level.
i just think that if it me i would only go to dance with a girl i know