Hey anon. I recently broke up with a girl I've been dating for right at a year. I'll call her Gamerchan. She's the first girl who has liked me for who I am, and has not judged me. (I'm 27 years old, been in a few relationships, but never one quite this good). She's 22, so there is a bit of an age difference, with the biggest difference being that I know who I am, I've known for a long time, but she's still trying to figure herself and her life out. That's the reason we broke up, she's changed a lot and doesn't want a commitment right now. I'm ready to find my soulmate and settle down.
So anyway, everything ended on good terms, which is what makes it so hard. We both saw the end of the relationship coming, we both agreed it would be good to split up, and we both agreed to stay friends afterwards. This is very difficult because I have no reason to be upset with her or to be angry. Logic tells me that this is great and that we can be friends, but my heart won't let go.
So the issue I have is, I've been keeping away from her for awhile, (we agreed to talk again after we settle down) and I've been just trying to meet new people. But I SUCK at doing this. What makes it worse is that I recently moved halfway across the country, and I don't know ANYBODY. All the people that I work with are at least 10-15 years older than me, so I can't really network and branch out through work.
So what I do is get dressed nicely (nothing fancy, but nice pair of jeans and a casual shirt) and go out to different events trying to meet people. I'm not really a bar/club kind of person, I'm more artistic, so I go to coffee houses, art gallery, library, bookstore, etc. What I'd like to know is how you do it? I just spent a weekend getting shot down. Nearly everybody I talked to was almost instantly put off by me. And it's not as if I walked up and asked for the girl to sleep with me, I'm talking just going up and saying "hi."
I do have a hard time approaching people or starting a conversation. What would you suggest saying to somebody? I don't want a pickup line here, I want an icebreaker to just TALK to somebody. Yeah, maybe the goal is to eventually have a relationship, but I think what I need now is more just plain and simple friendship. Any advice? Thanks in advance everyone.