I'm going to cut straight to the point: a friend and I have grown a bit, ummm, closer, would you say, over the past month or so. However, there's a problem: she lives 2 hours away (Me = downtown Atlanta, Her = western South Carolina). Another problem is that I don't have a car (I'm broke, and can use the MARTA train/bus to get around town) so ME going to see HER is next to impossible.
Now, here's the thing: I don't do long-distance relationships. I have "booty call if you're in town" agreements, but I'm not going to get a girlfriend I can't see regularly. However, would 2 hours be considered long-distance? Because if we can find a way for her to visit me/pick me up until I purchase a new car this summer... it miiiight just work, but I'd like more input.
2 hours away is really on the verge of long distance. It's uncomfortable to see each other every day, but pretty easy if you sleep over.
You're fare away from a true LDR, but it's still uncomfortable enough to have an impact.
As to what to do about it, it's your call, of course.
depends of personal opinion,my brother has a distant relationship (here in mexico, he has to travel 2 or 3 hours to get to her house)but still visits her some days,if you think she deserves 2 hours of ride,try it, but if you doesnt consider it important, you shouldnt do it, if you love her, go after her, see her in weekends atleast, thats the least u can do, so, its your choice, like 2 said ;)
I wouldn't call two hours away long distance, but it's definitely not convenient. Yeah you won't be able to see this person every day or almost every day, but it would still be easy enough to make the trip on weekends.