freshman and senior...? (18)

1 Name: falling : 2009-04-24 02:00 ID:JmlMGD/1

OKAY! So, second semester of freshman year, and I realize I'm bisexual.

How? I saw a girl one morning and I don't know why but it felt like my heart skipped a beat. It's like that love at first sight kind of thing? Annnd that's what happened.

About 3 days after I saw her at aftrschool tutoring, it's for extra credit all of us just do work. It was SUPER RANDOM, I turn around BOOM, She's right in my face.
The next time i went i saw her again,and then i checked her name, and it says "grade: 12" So I feel screwed.

i just wanted to hear some opinions... My friend said it's possible, she's a tomboy and an athlete.

2 Name: :3-san : 2009-04-24 03:38 ID:HMVT/v3p

Go for it. I'm in the same situation myself, except I'm the senior, and I'm straight, but whatever. If she rejects you, at least you have three more years at that school to find someone.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-24 05:38 ID:xG1YGBpt

why not? go for it.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-24 07:30 ID:KJILe1Zu

Yep, go for it. You won't lose anything if it doesn't work, and you'll score nicely if it works. It's a good deal, it would be dumb to pass on that.

5 Name: falling : 2009-04-25 03:36 ID:JmlMGD/1

i wasn't expectly 3/3 yess xP
now how to go about it... (i know i said i just wanted opinions but i am hopeless)
mmm... I know there's the whole "be yourself" kind of thing, but if i do that i'll just end up admiring her from a far ....FAR distance. and i think i dissed the sport she was varsity for(last year) right in front of her...I was praising kickball while putting her sport down -_- fml

is there anything I can do to get her attention? I dress like a girl when it's hot, but when it's cold/normal i prefer dressing like a guy, and i'm a hiphop dancer/breakdancer so it's normal for me. and as for looks, no means to brag, but i'm above average.

mmm...advice this time? D:

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-25 20:03 ID:zDdcNsqj

You're fucking annoying.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-25 21:02 ID:Heaven


sorry. I'll stop here.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-27 13:49 ID:I2hT0ULz

>>7 hey this is probably too late, but don't mind >>6's bitterness. You're in /love/, it's perfectly all right to ask about that kind of advice.

As for how to approach her, just be casual about it and chat with her if you meet her again at afterschool tutoring. If chances are too low for that, then just be more proactive and actually to to talk with her directly. The point is not yet about seducing or impressing her, but to get to know her so that you know how you can best approach her (what are her tastes, interests, etc).

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-30 04:27 ID:nXD+MJ10

If you're still reading OP, be sure to tell her you're a Lesbian. Most Lesbians don't take Bisexual girls seriously.

10 Name: fallin : 2009-05-01 03:31 ID:JmlMGD/1

Thank you :)That helps a lot. Until summer vacation, I will persevere!


what the, really?? I learned something new o.o

BLLAAAH. distant age+ same sex= even more forbidden.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-01 06:58 ID:aFyO5FoD

Being bissexual is not a showstopper to go out with a lesbian. I know examples of stable lesbian/bi couples. What a lesbian might not appreciate is to be used by you as a testing ground.

Anyway, if you spend your time thinking about what might separate you two, you won't go far. Be more positive and constructive, that's the most seductive attitude by far.

12 Name: falling : 2009-05-02 03:47 ID:JmlMGD/1


ah! I'll have to think more about how I really feel then. >,<
testing ground is no

positive and constructive is yea

....can someone define constructive?

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-02 08:05 ID:HaMtIM0y

>can someone define constructive?

Spend less time asking yourself "will she like me despite this and that", and more time with finding out what do you both enjoy doing, that you could do together. Less what if, and more how to.

14 Name: sage : 2009-05-03 19:54 ID:Heaven

your probably a fugly weebooo

enjoy your fail.

15 Name: Falling : 2009-05-04 00:27 ID:JmlMGD/1


I know you are =)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-04 15:18 ID:+oN6SUCL


I don't think he really enjoys your fail.

17 Name: sage : 2009-05-04 23:57 ID:Heaven

She probably meant fugly weebo.

18 Name: FUCK : 2009-06-11 03:23 ID:JmlMGD/1

op here,


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