I'm a senior in the last few months of my high school career. I've been in a one other relationship, but it ended rather poorly.
I'd like to be able to make my final one in high school something to remember or something, but I have no idea how to even start.
The girl I like is very pretty, elegant even, and quiet girl. She is a party type girl, but also a really big family girl.
Me, on the other hand, I'm a chubby ex-mma guy who likes the anime, and gaming life. (That is also balanced with guitar playing.) I really don't like hanging with my friends and most times, but will go out form time to time.
She's in one of my classes, and due to some extremely slow progress done my me, I've been able to get into a group for the end of the year project with her. I've been trying to use this as an excuse to ge ther number, but she is just not letting up at all.
But this week, she might be coming over along with the rest of the group to finish the project.
IS there any way I can get someone close to her? I really don't want to leave high school with a regret like this, or go through an attempted hook up without even trying. Can you guys help in anyway?
Once you're in college, you really won't care about High School much.
I don't understand, though. She's quiet -and- a party girl? Sounds out of your league if she's very pretty and you're chubby.
That said, you should have the balls to ask her to get coffee or something. Don't you think it's creepy to approach her on false pretenses?
I know what you're going through, as I did senior year. My advice is to just go up to her, after class, say hi, what's up?. or more subtly, when you two are working on the project, just ask her what she's thinking. if she says something relating to the project, say something along the lines of "But I mean besides the project, what goes on in your head when you're not working on the project."
I can say that you really wouldn't regret leaving high school without trying, but I'd be lying from experience. Good luck though!
No offence, but if she didn't give you the number the first time, I'm pretty sure that's a sign of "I'm not interested".
>>4 I think I may have to disagree to a point. While it may say that she's not interested in giving her your phone number now, that's all it means. that she's not interested in giving her your number now . I still say if you back off a bit yet play it cool you have a chance. Rooting for ya dude.
I guess I was too blunt. I wanted to keep his expectations real. There is a slight possibility that you'll guys hit it off after finding out that she's actually a closet anime freak. But if I was a betting girl, I'd say she's not interested now, or ever. I hope I'm wrong and you don't listen to me. I admire the fact that you don't want to regret not doing anything. We'll be here if it turns bad.
sigh It's been a while... How do you think it went?
I dunno, but he's got to do if he wants something. What you do in high school won't matter once you're in college socialy, especially if there isn't anybody you know in there. Hope he gave it a go in the end
>>8 I agree. No one may know you in college, but it can still eat at you in the end of things. It's more of a mental thing. I just hope he replies soon.
Anyone know what's happened with physics_guy and his luck? If you're reading this physics_guy , please tell us!
I concur. I too am curious of his trials.