I know this isn't the first time this subject has come up, but I'm in love with my best friend. We've been friends for about five years now. About three and a half years ago she said she had a crush on me, but as luck would have it I was infatuated with someone else. Of course the girl I liked at that time just ended up breaking my heart, and I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life. It was a little awkward between us for a while, and about a year after she told me she had a crush on me, she started dating this guy. They were together for a couple years, and it was torture at times. I tried to get any notion of deeper feelings out of my mind and for a while I was certain that I did not love her, but I knew in my heart that was not true. They broke up earlier this year. Since then it's been a struggle. I value our friendship greatly, especially since I don't have many friends, and I don't want to do anything to hurt it, but I always feel a little weird around her because I just want to tell her how I feel, but I'm scared to do it. I'm going away for a couple months soon, so I don't know if I should tell her. If she doesn't have any feelings for me, then it will give us more than enough time to avoid any serious awkwardness, so in a way it's a safe thing to do. Obviously if the feeling is mutual, then it's a bit of a bummer, but we've managed to stay friends through similar circumstances, so then it's something that can be overcome.
I have the urge to smack you on the head. So you have been interested in her for two years, and now that she's free, you don't make a move, even knowing that she has shown interest for you? What more do you need, that she rapes you?
Pull yourself together, and go speak to her, ASAP. Don't hold your breath for her approaching you, you rejected her once, I think that's enough for her. Which does not mean that she'll reject YOU.
If you chicken you on this, you for sure don't deserve to be with anyone.
Pretty much has said what I would say similar.
OP, what 2 has said is what I would say too. You're an idiot as what House M.D. would say to a person who has done something stupid. My friend, look under your nose and see what's going on. If you truly love her and things are making you hurt inside, you need to let it out before it's too late. Trust me, I was stupid in situations like that before and I didn't get the chance ever again because the chance slip pass me and didn't take it. It was so fast, I didn't notice it but you on the other hand, you have the chance now and you should take it. You should risk it seriously. I'm behind you on this because this is something most guys should not miss at all. This is something you should take seriously. Tell her how you feel because it's not fair she told you that she likes you and you haven't said anything yet to her!
So please, do it. Risk it. If you really love her, do it.
OP here. I'd be the first to admit that I'm a fool, so I'm not oblivious to the circumstances. I guess I just wanted a third party opinion and some perspective, and you guys really gave me a kick in the pants, so thank you.
Hey, I'm just trying to help ya out and I'm sure anyone else would too. It's weird to help out from sitting behind the computer giving advice, suggestions, etc. OP, it's a one chance in your lifetime. Don't expect anything in love.
I guess it is a little strange, but it's just nice to confide in somebody. Really though, thank you, you really made me realize that if I don't do anything, I can't expect anything to happen.
If you don't do anything, you're going to regret it for a long time. Take it from someone who's been there.