I've been in a couple relationships in the past that lasted at least a year, sometimes more... usually ending because I am not physical enough or something. Apparently that's strange if you're a male. Of course the issue was never brought up prior to our parting of ways, but that's something else entirely. The problem mainly stems from my inability to take initiative in relationships.
When it comes down to it I just don't want to seem pushy whatsoever. I've seen relationships where one partner is completely possessive and the situation is just downright creepy in my opinion. I don't mean to make it seem as if I tolerate "open relationships" as they're called, but at the same time I don't think you have the right to impede upon your partner.
Anyyyyway, I haven't been involved with anyone for a little over a year. Then a month ago a girl started talking with me on the internetz and so far things have been going fairly well... kind of. While she is the one who initiated contact, I'm the one who uh... conveyed my interest first. Unfortunately it was a jumble of words that made me feel like an idiot.
A short while later we met at a concert, but I was shy as fuck given we were basically surrounded by her friends, so I didn't do much of anything. Now I'm not much of a looker and she knew this in advance, but that said I kind of got the feeling she wasn't really interested. I by no means claim this is a fair judgment given she was accompanied by friends and whatnot, but still... I've been in this situation before.
Ever since we've talked a fair amount, but lately I've started to have doubts. Again, I do realize it has only been about month so my expectations aren't exactly high here to begin with. Anyway, she's mentioned that she is talking to other guys (well more like saying how stupid they are) and stuff... which is fine, she can do whatever it is she wants. That said, I can't tell if she's trying to make me jealous or if she's starting to lose interest.
I suppose I can bring it up again, but I'm still kind of hesitant to do that as I sort of asked a few days after we met up in person. She claimed that everything was fine and she just needed more time, but... I've heard this one before too. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her as a person... but honestly, I just don't want to waste my emotional strength (time/effort really doesn't work in this instance, as it's not a waste of such things) on someone who is going to turn around and say "let's just be friends" after a long period of uncertainty.
So tl;dr: do I ask her what's up now, despite being told she needed time? Should I wait another week, or would that make it appear as if I'm not interested at this point? Ugh... I'm just afraid I would come across as demanding. Ffffff...
just ask her.
saying something like.."do you think of me more as a friend?" could take the pressure off her somewhat, if she feels differently she would elaborate I'm sure.
better y et
get her tipsy and kiss her