well, to make a long story short:
I used to like A for a really long time, but then I finally decided to give up on him to move onto B.
Pretty soon after I started to like B, A and B both started to give me signs.
Just yesterday, A told me that he liked me, but I don't know if I like B better than A at this point or if I should go back to liking A.
If there were some way of knowing if I like A or B better, that'd be great. Even if it's just high school, I take relationships very seriously, and I don't want to end up regretting anything I do. Otherwise, just leave a friendly note or some other piece of advice por favor.
do what you want to do.
you are the only one who can tell who you like more.
make them fight a bit about you ;-) you'll find out soon enough who you want.
go for the looks and personality
>I don't want to end up regretting anything I do
There are only two certain ways of not regretting anything you do: 1) don't do anything 2) predict the future. Since 1) is undesirable, and 2) is out of reach, you HAVE to do things, knowing that you may end up regretting them later.
As for the problem at end, give yourself a hard deadline of one week to decide on the matter. Check if you feel better with A or B, which one do you end thinking more about, which one's company is more interesting, etc.
But at the end of the week, do make a decision, even if you don't have enough information (you will never have enough information to predict 100% the future, so don't bother). Your capacity to commit yourself to a choice you make is the best guarantee that you will get something worthwhile out of your relationships.
Do what just about every single girl has done before you; brainstorm both their pros and cons.
In the end I think it just comes down to who you're more comfortable with and like spending time with them the most.
I disagree with >>2. If you indeed have the maturity to take relationships seriously, you would not be playing with people's feelings.