Girls, please confirm! This has been tormenting me for almost a year now, but I refuse to be a coward for any longer! I refuse to live a monk to avoid disappointment and heartbreak! I refuse to lie to myself and say that I don't want a girlfriend! That I don't need one to be happy!
Nice guys DO get girls! I refuse to believe otherwise! Women DON'T care about money! It's all American propaganda!
Why WOULDN'T nice guys get girls? It doesn't make sense! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! YOU HEAR THAT, TROLLS?! I SAW THROUGH THAT SMOKESCREEN!
captcha: midgeness
Nice guys. Nice guys are those people, in my understanding, that have the same desire as any base, common man, or alpha male, which is, to fuck a girl. That is their highest desire. They wish to fuck them and then leave them. Or use them for sex for extended periods of time and then not care about them, etc.
They are just weaker males, and so have to resort to trickery and guile to attempt to get with someone.
They're both scum, beta males (aka nice guys) and alpha males.
I say this as a male by the bye.
I'm a nice guy and I don't believe in love. I don't expect me to fall in love with a girl or a girl to fall in love with me. I have bad luck with girls so it doesn't even matter to me. I'm happy right now but not enough to be fully happy, you know what I mean? I can get all the things that I want in my life but there is one thing I can't get and that is falling in love with a girl of my dreams.
Yes, intentions like to fuck a girl and then leave them. Use them for sex and not care about them? That's not what I had in mind. Even if I don't believe in love, I think that I would want to be with the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.
"Nice guys. Nice guys are those people, in my understanding, that have the same desire as any base, common man, or alpha male, which is, to fuck a girl. That is their highest desire. They wish to fuck them and then leave them. Or use them for sex for extended periods of time and then not care about them, etc.
They are just weaker males, and so have to resort to trickery and guile to attempt to get with someone."
But that's not me. I actually want somebody to share my life with. Somebody to love. Somebody to care for me. Sure, I want the sex, but I want all the other stuff, too.
(And women want sex, too!)
I know nice guys that have girlfriends... so it has to be possible... the only thing I can't figure out is how did they do it...
As a woman, I agree with you to an extent.
The whole "nice guy syndrome" is such a paradox. If they were genuine nice guys, they wouldn't be complaining about this shit, because their main priority wouldn't be to "fuck a girl".
I'm pretty sure most guys want to fuck a girl. We're human and we have needs.
Conclusion: There is no such thing as a nice guy.
While we're on this topic, one of my pet peeves is when guys say that they are a "nice guy". Usually they are quite the opposite and are selfish and self centred. Real nice guys are ones that you hear about from other people. They don't have the need to tell everyone that they are nice, they are modest about it, and generally the word gets around that they are a nice guy.
> Girls, please confirm! This has been tormenting me for almost a year now, but I refuse to be a coward for any longer!
You refuse to be a coward, yet you need confirmation by the other gender before doing something.
"Nice guys finish last"
It's a quote that always been ringing my ears.
I'm a nice guy. Can a guy like me have a girlfriend and not just have intentions to fuck her and leave her? Sounds like those "nice guys" would be classified as the guys who would "get in, get off, get out" strategy.
Look, I don't considered myself a nice, bad, or whatever a guy that a girl thinks. I'm just a guy with a personality. If you want to get to know me then go ahead and do so. If you don't like who I am, then that's too bad. Maybe we're not mean for each other. Sometimes setting high standards for a guy or a girl can be quite hard to look for someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.
You consider yourself nice. You said so in the first sentence of the paragraph. Contradict much?
Not sure what you're trying to contribute to this thread.
Oh I consider myself a nice guy. But I think it is a worthy to note that nice does not mean weak.
I am nice. I look out for my friends, help others in need. I don't start drama. I don't fuck girls and then leave them. I am a nice guy.
But at the same time, I don't let people use me, take advantage of me. I hold my ground in arguments, I have confidence in my actions. I will show you respect as long as you show me some in return.
I think we need to distinguish the difference between being a nice guy and being a weak guy.
If you need validation. If you constantly struggling to be liked by someone, not trying to rub them the wrong way. You are being used and stepped on. That is weakness not a symptom of being nice.
So it is a not that nice guys finish last, it is really, weak guys finish last.
Not sure? In contribution, I'm just saying that besides fuck a girl. Don't guys want to be with someone they want to be with? Even for the rest of their lives? I mean, a "nice guy" can get a girl. Besides being the nice guy. A guy, like >>13 said, confidence in actions that we part take. So all we need to do is be yourself, right? As I hear, girls go for personality?
Hm, interesting.
>>2 After reading this, I must ask you where you rank yourself as a man? To equivocate nice guys with scum, saying that nice guys have to use trickery and guile for the main purpose of using a girl and leaving, I believe that you have your opinion wrong. True nice guys do think about having sex with the girl and all true, but to say that's all there is to it, doesn't scratch the surface. Nice guys do care about the girl, they do have higher desires than just having sex with women, and they aren't always the weaker males.
>>8 While many of the times being nice helps the guys get the word around that they are nice, that is not always the case. It may be true that the guy saying he's nice is just saying it when it's not true, this is also not the case. Many women like to use the nice guys as "just friends" for when they are in trouble or need advice. Those nice guys can get tired of it all and say they're really nice guys to girls because all their female friends say they want nice guys when they are nice guys, ergo they think that it must be stated. As said before though, not always the case.
and finally to >>1 , I'm not sure why they wouldn't want a nice guy when they say do. It seems to be one of my greatest mysteries to find out. Good luck though.
I just think it is cowardice on the guys part. They are too afraid to ask out the girl, too afraid to offend her, too afraid to risk anything. Thus they are stuck and find someone to blame for their plight. They blame assholes for ruining their chances, giving a bad name for men, because after all they are the perfect man for "doing no wrong." Really though the "nice guy" didn't take a chance and rather gathering the courage to do something about it, they remain cowards and complain in secret.
I am a mean motherfucker stating; we are not swans.
I know a nice guy.
Nice guys do find girls. It just takes longer, because nice guys don't tend to rush (however, they can be rushed). The problem with nice guys is that if they go out with a trash girl, it gets ugly. A normal guy would just dump such girls, nice guys will go at extraordinary lengths to preserve the relationship.
The best fate a nice guy can have, is to stumble upon a nice girl. It does happen.