I'm new at the whole posting thing. Yeah. So I really need you guys' help! A.A I've heard you all give really great advice and I would love to hear some of it! And BTW I'm a girl.
My love life is literally hopeless. I know I'm young and yadda yadda. But a little romance shouldn't be THIS hard to get. D:
Okay so I've had straight out horrible boyfriends for forever.
My first boyfriend, when we broke up, claimed he had sex with me and I was going to have his kids. LIES! PFFF, I was WAY to young at that time ANYWAYS! DX
A few nasty boyfriends later and I really hit the wall hard. I fall in love with this guy in my English class. A year later he asks me out. I fell in love with him because he was nice to me and funny. Every girls dream, a nice guy. Until I found out that he smoked Mary Jane. But I tried to stay with him. He didn't defend our relationship and ended up breaking up with me for someone three years older than him.
Needless to say, I was devastated. I cried and cried. For days.
And it was Wednesday night that he had broken up with me. That means I had to deal with seeing him and his friends for two more days before I got rest. I ran into bathrooms to cry all day. I don't let people see my tears, because I'm the girl who always looks happy, act's happy, defends her friends, keeps everyone happy; direly hoping for happiness in return because she's hurting. Because she puts other's happiness first. That's me. I'm really shy though, when it comes to relationships only. I'm kinda a person with a big personality. I don't much care for what people think about me, unless I like them. And I dress like I want to, not what's in fashion.
Before school was over, he got suspended because he got caught smoking Mary Jane in the bathroom. He was caught by the Principal. Dumb. Really dumb.
I just realized how much I've typed. I'll cut to the chase! :D
I like only two guys right now. I liked them before their current situation. V.V
The first guy has been my guy friend for almost three years. He has an 'on and off' girlfriend that he frequently reminds me how much he loves her. It does hurt, but I ignore it! :) He asked me out on one of the "off" times, but I was to slow on getting the courage to say 'yes' and he got back with his previous. I still like him though. He's nice to me, he is funny, decently cute, popular, and all together a nice guy. He also knows that I liked him. I'm not sure if he knows I still do though.
My other crush is on a guy from one of my math classes. He also has a 'on and off' girlfriend. But I liked him before her. He doesn't know I like him. Or that I'm a girl, for that matter.
So here's my dilima. I have no idea how to move on. It's obvious that they're out of reach, but I don't know how to get over it.
Guys, please help me. I feel like I'm trapped away from everyone, behind a glass wall. Where I can see and be jealous, but not join the party.
I feel like a helpless cause.
May I ask what grade or age you are? It would help if I knew what age-group I'm dealing with.
And what do you mean when you say you feel you are 'trapped away from everyone, behind a glass wall?'
Well, I'm almost 14. I turn 14 in 26 days. I'm going into 9th grade. Yes, I know a lot of you are going to say things like I'm too young to worry about such things and blah blah blah.
I just want a little romance in my life. What girl doesn't?
The boyfriend who claimed I was pregnant with his kid, did so in 6th grade. Jerk!
Anyways, to answer you last question, it's like I can see what everyone else has, but for some reason I can't obtain it.
>>So here's my dilima. I have no idea how to move on. It's obvious that they're out of reach, but I don't know how to get over it.
Well, you find someone else.
How? Beats me. If you ever find out, let me know.
Well, maybe I'll have luck in High School. But my current problem, of to which I was informed, this moring, is that guy # 1 likes me back too, just not enough.
Wow. This is seriously starting to bother me.
Maybe you're focusing too much on this love thing right now.
It's not bad that you're trying to find some romance right now, but don't let guys completely rule your life :D. I say this as a fellow female.
Just this year, I felt the same way when all my friends started hooking up with my other friends and I was the only single left. It wasn't until a couple months ago that they all started breaking up, and it wasn't until three weeks ago that the guy I loved for two years asked me out.
Just relax, calm down, and take your mind off guys for a month and spend your time doing something productive. As someone said before, love comes when you least expect to find it :).
I suppose your right OTL but... I dunno, I guess it's just hard. I mean, I have to get good grades for my mom, be perfect for my teachers, console my friends. I have nothing for myself.
I guess I'll take your advice for now. I have to save up for a cosplay me and my friends are doing.
^^ Anime conventions are ammmaaazzzing! I have until next march to save up quite a number though. >.<
Thank you guys for everything! <3
I guess I'll still be here though V.V
That's okay n.n
But really, does anyone hear from Densha, or at least Hermes?
>He doesn't know I like him. Or that I'm a girl, for that matter.
I'm curious about how that can be?
He acts like I'm just another one of the boys. Just another friend.
Love relationships are uncertain endeavors, so you always need to be willing to risk. Nevertheless, I think you would have less problems if you got to know better the person you are interested in before you start a relationship with him. It's helpful to know what are his interests, character, his views on things, how he reacts when he's irritated or angry, etc. And for this, you need to spend quite some time with him, which means that you don't start the relationship straight away, and that you must have enough common interests to do activities together even though you're not in a relationship.
You don't have to know a guy for 5 years before going out with him, you could even go out from the first day on, but you must be aware that you need time to know a person, either before or during the relationship. But when you are in a relationship, you can't really look at other people, whereas if you are single, you can spend time with different people that may turn out to be interesting to you. Committing to someone you're not too enthusiastic about just to avoid being alone might be a bad choice, since you may miss a much more interesting person otherwise. Sometimes you need quite a while to understand that a certain person is not right for you. That's unpleasant but not a waste, since in the future you'll know that this type of person is not the one for you, and go for a better match.
To summarize: your relationships will improve when you'll learn to understand what qualities and flaws of a person work for you, and recognize those traits among the people you're interested in.
10, that was amazing. Thank you! <3
But I guess your right. It's back to the Love Drawing board for me T.T Ratz...
I agree, though qualities, flaws and such aren't nearly as important to learn about as their heart...
"Every girls dream, a NICE GUY"
No offense, but I lol'd hard.
Anyways, how big is your high school? Maybe you should get to know other guys. There could be totally awesome people out there that you never knew about or simply overlooked.
Blah, focus on friends during Junior High. You can go boy-crazy when in High school; just make sure you don't compromise your studies/grades. Romance just isn't worth it at that age, in my opinion. Wait for the seed of maturity to bloom, so that you might be able to maintain a fun, healthy, and long relationship.
i agree with 14.... i'm sure there are plenty of guys out there that will treat you better than the guys at ur school.
I think u shouldn't rush into relationships too soon.
You know rather than focusing too much on finding the right guy and having the right relationship you should worry about other things since your still young and you have so many things to learn and if you push yourself too hard you'll end up hurting yourself.
Hey guys, it's been a while!!!
[Yes the name is different]
Sorry I haven't checked in, my internet got shut off for a while.
SO yeah, I didn't die.
But I'm a freshmen in highschool now!
And I want to thank you all.
I mean really, really thank you all. I mean, I never thought that anyone would actually reply in this post, so thank you! And also, I don't even like those guys anymore. One got engaged, and yes, he's only 15. So I was like, WTF, but the other one is an not nice person.
A lot's happened since I last spoke up.
So I found out one of the guys that was not to my liking, but almost had stalker-ish actions towards me, is mi THIRD COUSIN!
And then just alot has gone down since then.
But, le-sigh.
No love interest yet.
I did like this guy, but he only dates a certain type of girl, a type I am not.
I still kinda like him.
Wow... I need to skip to the point... :3
Anyways, THANKS GUYS!!!
That's the main point. You guys caught me on the point of no return, I was about to give UP on romance. So I wanted to say thank you.
Very much.
-Not A Hopeless Cause Anymore
[Formerly Hopless_Cause]
Don't search, just find.
If you search you tend desperatly clasp anyone who seems vaguely likable. Which often only leads to dissapointment. I'm not sayig finding will be a 'love at first sight thing' either. But sometimes after months of knowing someone you suddenly realize you him/her.
Second, you said you were 14? Stop worrying about finding love! You can start worrying when you've passed 25. And even then only slightly ;)