Did I do somthing wrong? (11)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-07-04 01:26 ID:YROdlQgx

Me and my boy friend have been going out for a few months. Both of us are unemployed. He keeps getting on me how I don't put as much effort into getting a job as he is. Today we were talking on the phone and he said "I don't know how long I can keep dealing with you." I hung up telling him I would talk to him later, and cried for a half hour. I called him later and he didn't answer the phone.

I just wanted to enplane to him that what he had said hurt a lot. Now I'm thinking he may break up with me soon. Just the thought of this is ripping my heart in two. Help? Did I do the wrong thing?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-07-04 04:00 ID:hBDt8Pxs

There's obviously more to this than just this single issue of employment. Though it may be the biggest, money usually is. Sounds like your relationship has stagnated and he is itching for change. I think the wrong thing here is that he may want someone who is motivated and moving and you can't offer that. Or maybe he could just want someone who isn't you.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-07-04 16:57 ID:asB31ljv

In truth, have you actually been doing a sincere effort to get a job? This is an anonymous place, so just answer what seems closer to the truth to you.

4 Name: enplane it to him : 2010-06-11 14:12 ID:+IvEzduX

Love is Love. And the love of money is a bad drug. The love of a person is not always (but can be) a bad drug. ...{why did you let him hurt you?}... ~ ...{you will find someone better for you, if you wish.}...

Love lives within YOU. ~ You may share it, if you wish.

Money is something EVERY consumer needs to be self-sufficent.
Money does not live within you. ~ But (if you have your OWN money) you may share it, if you wish.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-11 15:37 ID:Xvfs9CyK

This might be not money based only. As >>2 said, it might be also motivation. If you don't care much for job, maybe you won't care much for him if there will be some problems? It is really easy to say "No, I would give my life for other person" but when it comes to difficult situation, it becomes harder to fulfil vows.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-12 11:07 ID:Heaven

You know, generally when a thread is about a hundred down the list, it's pretty old. Maybe you should look at the date before you post.

7 Name: i do not know everthing : 2010-06-14 00:09 ID:sO2Wzee2

>>6 The post caught my eye.
Is this not a public board? Was this post not available for the public to comment?
Are you saying that this topic will never be repeated by humans beings, ...EVER?

I'm sorry for sharing my thoughts on YOUR public board. bye.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-14 05:19 ID:Heaven

Where did I imply such things?
Anyhoo, just use the "sage" thing if you want to add extra comments to old threads. Then the main page won't get full of old stuffs, and people can focus on the OP's still here.


9 Name: how do i sage here : 2010-06-15 00:33 ID:aye3C8bu

>>8 Until this very moment I thought sage was a cooking herb. (Really!) ~~ On Channel4 BBS rules, there is -N-O- info on HOW to sage. (nor does it mention that saging old threads is prefered by moderators.)

I don't want to break the rules, so I Googled & found directions how to sage on 4chan-FAQ. It says: Enter "sage" (by itself) into the [E-mail] field. ~~ But Channel4 dosen't have an E-mail field. ~~ So, How do what you said to do and "sage" old threads?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-15 15:51 ID:Heaven

Put sage in the link: part.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-08-23 16:25 ID:Heaven

"sage" in the link field is stupid, couldn't there be a "Don't bump up" checkbox?

Does ANYBODY use that link field for anything else than saging?

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