Do women care more about sex than men? (10)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-02 06:53 ID:Go+rpFGy

Men are percieved as the more 'sexual' of the genders and are potrayed as such in the media.

But is it reflective of reality or merely a projection of female insecurity?

  • Women are by far the more perverse gender. The vast majority have rape and degredation fantasies and I think this is probably the root of a lot of the shame motivated projection women engage in, potraying men as the 'perverse' sex that is led around by its genitalia when in fact the reverse is true.
  • Women will more regularly breakup with men for sexual reasons than men break up with women. In fact it is almost universally uncommon to hear of a man breaking up with a woman because the sex was bad. Men often complain of 'assholes' getting all the women, when this is objectively true (and not just inane whining) it's usually the woman has convinced herself she is in love with the man because the sex is good. No man would claim he is in love with a woman for sexual reasons. Women however always do this.
  • A quick gander at female magazines will highlight how women are sex inured to a state men could only dream of. If any of you doubt that women are obsessed with sex and competition just look through these magazines that are aimed at women. Sports coverage is confined to who is going with out with who, which sportsman has the best bum and which activity burns up the most calories and tones your thighs. How to manage your relationship, how to have better sex, how to make yourself more attractive, check out these women who are having more success than you: can you learn anything? Everything connects very closely with sex and nest-building. Magazines for women hardly touch on any "boring" issues. If I am wrong please show me the magazine that has a huge mass readership of women interested in fishing, macrame, medieval history, motorcycle maintenance, etc. No, these subjects are "boring", women will tell you to get a life, meaning be obsessed with the mindless trivia of mating rituals that they are obsessed by instead.
  • A man's sexual experience is a deal breaker for a woman in a way it wouldn't be for a man when concerning a woman (men are fine with female virgins and inexperienced females). Women tend to be more attracted to a man if he's had sex with a lot of partners and inversely, they will not consider dating a man if he has had no partners.


2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-02 10:08 ID:QOxvw1yS

Biches and whores.

3 Name: 43 : 2009-08-02 10:18 ID:Vl0LgBud

You're making a number of baseless generalisations. Women do think of sex, quite possibly as much as you or me. Now, every person is different some might do more than you or me.

In regards to the magazines, it depends on what you read. Take into account that porn magazines are largely aimed towards male audience. If you look at the articles of male magazines such as Men's health you'll find the same type of shallow 12-year-old-written articles, just with a different focus for male audience.

Now, if you claim women are more perverse just for having as much libido as males do then i think you're being sexist.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-02 19:45 ID:Heaven

  1. cite?

2a. Men will cheat in that situation rather than break up. Is that better?
2b. No one convinces themselves they're in love for any reason. It just happens.

3. Have you ever considered how and why hollywood casts women in major roles? It's 10% acting ability and 90% how much the actress can increase the blood flow to your penis. Pick up a "men's" magazine. Notice than in any interview with a female celebrity, sexy pictures take up more space than words. Naturally these magazine feature Angela Lansbury 0% of the time. Now if you want to find a women's magazine that does not feature sex, you are best not to end your search at the grocery store check-out, or at least glance below eye-level to 'martha stewart living'

4. You probably shouldn't be revealing to women that you are so entirely undesirable as to not have been able to score even a desperate, pimpled, forty-something fatty before you've had a chance to kiss them goodnight.

> Thoughts?

I have this theory that the root of your bitterness lies is your micropenis and that you have been shot down by many beautiful women while ignoring more humble ones that do not know how to apply make-up or select a push-up bra but are interested in you. The vast majority of women would agree with me.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-02 21:26 ID:8Sb8Sq73

Angela Lansbury was hot back in the day. Just putting that out there.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-03 02:57 ID:Go+rpFGy

Why do you have sex with random men?

7 Name: 43 : 2009-08-03 08:42 ID:Vl0LgBud


Back to the baseless assumptions, huh?

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-09-19 02:37 ID:6Hfj8NMt

Every woman except my momma and your momma loves to screw. Go out and find one.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-09-19 03:36 ID:rMRTdfNR

The media is not a good indication of reality. I do however, agree with your last point on experience.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-09-21 03:58 ID:bAvZnGIA


This is a wonderfully thought out and executed counter point that hits everything that should be right on the nose. Thank you.

That, like most things, depends entirely on the individual. My boyfriend was a 25 year old virgin when we began (and eventually consummated)our relationship while I at 23 was experienced enough to have been expected to be picky about it. Contrary to expectations, however, the fact that I genuinely love him made his inexperience mean no more to me than the color of his wristwatch band. I knew he was a virgin before we became seriously romantically involved, and it was not at all a deal breaker and it certainly did not curb my desire to date him.

Some women may give a shit, but I would guess that most would not, if she were in love with her prospective mate. If she were considering "hooking up" for a one night stand or a mostly sex-based relationship, then it makes sense she'd want some one who knows what they're doing, and that goes both ways between the genders. Not all men are interested in scoring and inexperienced chick, though indeed it would not matter to others.

Broad generalizations suck, guys, and sexist ones especially so.

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