I just got together with an awesome girl.
The thing is, one of her best traits is also one that worries me.
She's one of those people who loves adventure and new experiences. She likes doing things so she can says she's done something before, and seems to enjoy 'collecting' experiences.
I love this in her, but I also can't help worrying about stuff like 'will she cheat on me when she goes on an exchange programme just cos she wants an experience of a fling with a hot european guy?'
Would expressing my concerns make me seem like a wimpy schmuck and just make things worse? After all we all know that restricting someone only makes them more determined to break the restrictions.
Well, I think you need to improve your self-steam.
This girl seems like a "thrill-seeker" and that's awesome, and you must confront those thrills with your own confidence. Make yourself someone she can rely on, and trust in her, that's what girls want, someone to trust in them.
If you trust in yourself, she can trust in you. That way everything will be OK.
Just make sure you are both on the same page about monogamy, if she says she has no interest in non-monogamy then you have nothing to be concerned about.
Just "go with the flow" as they say. No reason to waste time worrying about something you can't do anything about anyway. I say enjoy this time as much as you possibly can. The fact that you have found something even slightly enjoyable in this life is amazing enough, many people suffer horrendously and die young without ever having known peace or leisure. More so with all the war and poverty in this world.
Be grateful and enjoy while you can.
When those stupid concerns well up inside, laugh and make peace with your own ridiculous ignorance and the absurdity of your own shortcomings. Hows that for some fucking good advice? I totally rock.
These girls, if you try to inhibit them, they will hate you for it, and you will ironically drive them into the arms of another.
Girls like this will never be content with a single relationship, because that's a part of experiencing life. She will grow bored of you.
The real problem is that you want to possess her, despite the incompatability.
And to a lesser extent, this.
Make sure she's on the same page as you when it comes to monogamy. Jealousy is natural, but don't let it get the better of you. Until you have evidence that she's cheating or will cheat on you (e.g., you find her fucking some random dude in your bed, or she tells you that she's not into monogamy), then there's no reason to worry, and letting yourself worry to excess will only hurt your relationship. If such evidence ever arises, you will be fully justified in dropping her ass. Like 6 said, if she really wants those kinds of experiences, then she's not the kind of girl for you. If it comes to that, your only rational decision will be to leave her and find somebody else.
But this is all hypothetical. You have no such evidence yet, so just chill. There's no reason to get worked up about it; you have nothing to worry about right now. Just make sure you two are on the same page, enjoy what you have, and don't let your paranoia get the better of you.
man, stop putting that pussy on the pedestal.
you need to tell this bitch whats what or youre gonna end up broke as fuck hanging out with the beaners on the corner lookin to paint some houses.
chill out on the louis v purses man
gotta tighten that leash
nah man, only beta's, such as yourself, need to control women.