I am a curious African American female I was wondering how the japanese males view african american women in japan. Do they find them attractive? Please list thoughts.
I don't know if you're trolling or not, but this kind of thread is a bad idea. Just look at how the last one turned out.
who asked you anyway!!!!
I think that asian and black females is a beautiful thing actually. I think that it doesn't matter what race your with at all.
I don't troll, so why don't you go somewher and stop being an asshole!!!!!!!!!
shity troll is shity
Hey, do you guys think there was ever a long-distance relationship developed and carried out over telegraph? Or solely over telephone or even postal carrier. I'd like to know if the "LDR" is a recent invention or if it's been here all along.
Yes. A long time ago there were things called 'Love Letters'. These were monologues that would carry on the length of a page or more. When one received such a letter from a current partner, it was customary to respond in kind except where two-way mail service was unreliable.
Historians aren't sure when this practice fizzled out, or why.
One theory is that some new technology made the practice of this art obsolete. I think it was like a new form of mail, only 'electronic' in nature.
Secret admirer, Why don't you go to hell first. ^_^
I can post under any name that I choose, and like I said I am not trolling. I was asking a serious question and then you come along and say that I am trolling. You don't even know me, but who cares what you think anyways, if you don't like the thread then why don't you stay the hell off. You clearly don't have anything else to do with your time but put up offensive responses. Oh I think I will change my name again!!!!
Dammit. GTFO already.
Why don't you GFTO. anyway why don't you stop coming on this thread and get a life. And don't bother responding, cause I am not coming on this thread, I don't care what you have to say. but I guess you can comment if you don't have anything else to do with your time.
Black women: quick to anger, easily trolled, doesn't care about you or what you say because you're a loser so she's not going to respond anymore except for this one last time
Every one needs to stop posting in this thread. So long as it gets responses the troll will keep trolling. I'd hoped this would have ben obvious but it looks like it has to be stated openly. If it posts again just do nothing for the sake of sanity. I wont post in this thread again.
is diz fight? :3
guise, c'mon now :P
This might not help.. but I know a half Black half Asian chick that is really Effing hot, like one of the hottest girls i've seen. Her mom was the Asian one though.
Im sure that some of japanese guys think black women are really attractive.I
m one of them.Many japanese people are longing to Black American culture.so you can find japanese boyfriend if you go to right place and meet right people.Black women has best ass I love.
good luck.
I think some japanese guys really want to meet the black women as frieds or the girlfriend too but we, I'm also, dont't know the places, parties and oppotinities to meet black women. If somebady know the good ideas please inform me.