I'm 17 and I'm pretty sure I've found what people call, "the one". She is absolutely terrific and we are deeply in love. I've been told that I shouldn't stay with her for various reasons (she's not particularly attractive, she isn't particularly smart, she's not particularly anything anyone would really find desirable) but there's just something that keeps me totally attached. We share a fair bit in common interest-wise, but we're independent enough that there are always new things to talk about. I met her when I was 12 and she was 13, and even though it took me more than three years to start talking to her, let alone ask her out, we totally clicked. We've been talking about going to the same college next year, and as long as she chooses one that's within twelve hours from our home town, I've pretty much been game.
Recently, however, I've just been thinking.... Well, first of all, this is my last chance. When I was 11-14, I wanted to nail someone age 11. Then I realized that I was too old and it went to 12, and now it might just barely be acceptable for me to hook up with someone age 13. Within a year, that will all be gone, and not only that, I wouldn't even know where to start meeting underage people because I'll be off at college. But it's not just that... Part of me really wants to screw lots of people. And there are lots of different people I could screw. As I look back on it, there have always been tons of people that I could screw, and I just chose not to because I lacked confidence. But now that I have the confidence, part of me really wants to screw different people.
But then.... I fucking love this girl. She is absolutely wonderful, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with her. I mean, we both want to have the same professions and we're not in college yet. But yet.... part of me really wants to fuck lots of people.
One thought I've had is introducing the idea of a threesome or something to her, but this sort of disturbs me because I don't want to be with her and another girl in the same bed. I wouldn't have any issue if it were me and another guy (so long as I knew him and stuff) on her, but that doesn't solve the initial problem of me... wanting to fuck different people.
I've considered seeing if she wants to take a break, but that seems like a bullshit idea to me. I mean like, break up with her, screw a few people, and return to her? No way. Though if she brings it up, I'm in.
I have a lot of time to think about this and have been thinking about this for quite a while, but when it comes down to it, the hourglass is running out. I mean, sure, I have at least 10 years where, if I were single, I would be able to have all sorts of attractive women.... But no attractive 13/14/15 year olds in less than a year. Halp?
People only regret when they lose it. Don't make the wrong decision. These temporary fun won't be the one next to you when your in your eighties.
is anyone else really annoyed by this thread?
this is from what I learned pretty normal to want to be with other people while dating someone but just realize this you found someone awesome while most of us here and most of the rest of the world is incredibly lonely so just be happy with what you have because its better than nothing. don't screw it up enjoy what you have
Why don't you openly talk about it with her?
It's common for couples that start young and that only know sexually one person to become curious about trying with other people. So it's probable that she'll have the same feelings, if not now then later in college or after college.
Maybe she would be uncomfortable about it now, but less later. In any case, it's good to be able to talk about this kind of things in a couple.
Well as long as you don't mind her having a lot of penises other than yours inside her, cumming inside her, giving her orgasms better than you could, showing her just what she was missing out on when she settled for you. Don't be surprised when you find out lots of guys would like to sex your girlfriend up.
You have to be mutual, if you get to screw around, so does she.
But underage kids? Wtf is wrong with you?