You read the title. It just won't happen. It hasn't to do with "the perfect girl" - in fact I'm not heterosexual. I could make love to anything, so that perhaps makes me... everything-sexual! That's what I am, and I'll never get to love. Even loving myself is impossible!
Uh, okay.
What is your point?
Use the Singles Rant Thread then...
Maybe we can help you OP, it's just... well...
What's your point?
I agree with >>2 and >>4. OP makes no sense: why will he never love? No reason is given. If anything, one would expect that he'd be OVERLY loving, given that he wants to fuck pretty much everything on the planet.
Further explanation is required before I can take the OP seriously. I mean, sure, it's sad I guess that he'll never love, but his story so far, if you can even call it that, is completely unconvincing.
Heh, you romantics just show complete apathy to someone who's never going to enjoy your little game of love, but you cry rivers for your average teenagers lovestory...
I'll try to explain.
For me, sex and love are two different things. I think most of you will agree to this: sex has to do with survival, it's an instict living organisms have, deep down it's all explained by biology. Love is unique to humans, it's the result of our high-level intelligence (don't try to counter me with some PETA link claiming chimps are able to love too, you know what I mean).
I can make love to anything because I've stopped listening to my biological insticts; pleasure has taken over. Basically, this is my argument: if I enjoy it, why not? What's the difference between a blowjob from a man and a woman? Mouths look the same to me, and feel the same. With the same argument, I see sex with anything, living or not, possible to enjoy.
Continuing I think you'll all agree to this as well: you might be in love, or not. That means there's two states, in love, not in love. In my opinion love can take many forms and most humans are in love for most of their lives: they love their parents, they love themselves, they love material things they own, they love others, et cetera. It's not the same love if you love your woman and your mother, but it's love nonetheless. Me - I don't love anything. After I got over some major depression in my life I can be functional as a human, but I can't care for anything anymore.
Ironic as it is I've had my share of relationships as well; never succeded to get a woman to like me. You know the story: they like to be in bed with me, but they don't want to spend time with me. They don't like the things I've got to say to them, they don't like the things I've got in my mind, they don't care about my life or who I really am. I don't mind it, it has been fun, but it did make me wonder whether anyone on this planet ever thinks for anything but himself/herself.
I'm not old, but I feel old, I look at kids playing and I know I'd do the worst things just to get back to that age and peace of mind, and feel like I'm in love again. I feel like a truck driver who knows he's got hundreds of miles ahead, with zero surprises on the road. No excitement, just a perfect straight line to nothingness. The same truck driver who as a kid always loved driving.
I bet you won't even bother reading this far.
I understand.
I feel exactly the same way.
Sometimes I'd give anything to have that joy again that comes from the simple ignorance of youth, before I had to realize that I can't be an astronaut and no one will love me simply for who I am as a person.
To feel old is to feel defeated. And it's easy to feel that way when you look down that road and see nothing.
I don't love myself; sometimes I hate myself. But I'm the only person I've got and that makes me understand why everyone else looks out for number one.
You should know that you're not alone, take from that what you will.
As for me, I'm going to work on loving myself. Even if I'll never love or be loved, I take refuge in the fact that I deserve it as much as anyone else.
After all, if to be human is to be intelligent... and if I am more intelligent than most... than am I not also more human? And I'm beautiful because I'm all too human... the world has broken me before I had a chance to fight back, but I've dragged myself through the darkest places and I'm still here.
Which is more than I can say for the simple people content enough in their ignorance that they could love a big screen television more than the old homeless man with no place to go on Christmas morning.
>I bet you won't even bother reading this far.
You lost your bet,...
So your professed incapacity to love basically translates into an inability to relate with women... Why don't you find women who share your centers of interest? You will then have plenty of things to talk about. Or is it that your depression left you without centers of interest? What makes you tick in life, besides the lost innocence of a child?