Recently I've had kind of a hard time getting back in the game. I'm not really bad with girls. Its not that I don't have confidence I mean I'm not fugly and shit. But where the hell do you start again? I know that sounds really lame and emo, but I thought that either I'd get some good advice or told to grow a sack hopefully in a constructive way. Any advice?
start talking with girls. that is where you always start.
Just be friendly, don't get all heavy with the flirting as soon as you meet them but a little doesn't hurt.
One thing that's good to remember is to be an upstanding person to everyone, not just the girl you are going for, she may see, or hear about anything you do and girls tend to rely on other people's appraisals of a person before they think about dating them.
Other than that:
smell good - shower, clean clothes and maybe invest in some nice cologne but use it sparingly
Exercise - self explanatory but also it's great if she can see/smell you all sweaty after a work out
Smile - nothing beats happy confidence
Have your own life - you aren't going to be at some girls beck and call, you can fit her into your pre-existing life though.
If you are a 'nice-guy' don't buy into that bullshit about jerks, the only reason women supposedly like jerks is that they don't embody some sex-less puppy dog aura like most 'nice-guys' do. Be up-front, don't hide your attraction to a girl but maybe dial it down just a little.