So there are all these girls I meet, mostly from clubs, and we exchange numbers during the night. Then next day she would text me and say how nice it was meeting me and says we should meet again sometimes. She would be constantly text me everyday as if she is really interested in me, asking what I'm doing etc. Then I would text back maybe 1 or 2 weeks later and then I would no get reply back. Then I call them and ask what you been doing, or have you received my text, they are like no, my phone was out of minutes etc. Others would simply just ignore me and not text me anymore. What's up with all these girls? I'm confused. Are they just playing with me or found another guy lolol?
OP here: 1 or 2 weeks later as in we would keep on texting each other for like 1 or 2 weeks
They are playing with you.
I tell all these women the same thing. I got kicked out of recess because I don't play. Also...if you go to clubs seeking a serious, mature relationship. You need to flush out your headgear.
i just want to sleep with them...but during the end of the night why do they always say i have period now when all they did was spend the whole night with me lol?
You go number 3! XD
OP, I think they're being totally stupid for leading you on and then turning around on you. I agree with 3 about going somewhere else though.
At 4, that's what whores are for, my friend.
but whores are too dirty for me...and it's too easy to get. you just pay...i want it for free
Just like ol' Jack Burton always says: "It's all in the reflexes."
When you have danced all night, have drunk somewhat, and are all fired up by the general mood, you can become more open for contact than your usual self. But as you sober up next day, and the daily grind gets hold of you, you close up again to your normal level.
All this to say that if a girl gives her her phone number at the end of the night, you either meet her asap, or you can just forget about it. The impression you left on her during that night wears off real fast, and just keep talking over the phone won't improve matters. You have to reinforce the contact by meeting her (can be something short, no need to be complicated).