Okay, so I broke up with my last girlfriend a couple of weeks ago and Im ready to move on. For the longest time Ive been avoiding anyone "prepish" because quite frankly theyre annoying. However, I seem to have gone through all of the amazingly goodlooking girlst that arent prep at my school. So, should I go look elsewhere, or should I try the preppy cheerleaders and what not at my schoo? (with the understanding that a majority of these types of girls are straight freaks in bed)
Depends on what you're looking for. If you just want some, then go for it. If you want a real relationship, stop being so shallow and only going after that "amazingly goodlooking" ones.
Im 17, Im not particularly looking for a relationship for the moment. And yeah, I know Im shallow- I make up for it in other ways though.