Alright, so I got a date with this chick, who quite frankly is the girl of my dreams. But that's not the point I'm posting here.
I am a virgin, and I haven't even kissed a girl, so what are the "signs" that she wants to kiss and things like that?
Also, I came up with this idea which seems to be playing out really well in my head, but you guys are the professionals so I want to hear what you think:
If things seem to have gone really well on the date,as I walk her to her car I was thinking of saying something like this:
"I had fun tonight, we should definitely do this again. Wanna know what my favorite part of today was?" (inch slightly close to her face and look into her eyes as I say this)
Hopefully she will ask "what's that?" and right then I move in and kiss her. After, I'll say "that was my favorite part." Dunno if that's too cheesy or something though.
Anyways, signs that a girl wants me to kiss her and how I should go about doing it would be appreciated! Any other general tips for a date would be good also...since this is my first date ever really.
Ahhhhh, such a sweet story! I hope your romantic endeavors are successful and that you both enjoy your date together.
I don't have much first hand advice to give as I've yet to have my own lips met, but I did read something in a romance advice collum once that I really like the thought of:
If you're dining together or otherwise sitting near one another on a couch or something and it wouldn't be too awkward of a reach, you can compliment her that her hair looks really silky and smooth and touch it, and if she doesn't move away, it's a safe bet she'd let you kiss her. After touching her hair you could gently touch her face right before moving in for the smooch. Alternatively, you could do the same thing with her earrings if not the hair. This might also work well as you're saying good-bye or standing close.
Your idea is a very pleasant one and not too cheesy. The only thing that might snag it is whether or not she'd be comfortable with you being that forward, and you're the only one who can gauge that. If you go through with it and she kisses back, then she didn't mind.
Great luck, OP! Please let us know how it goes. :3
The best way to go about kissing anyone is going with the flow of the evening. Don't necessarily focus on the kiss, or the end result of a date. Date's aren't pass/fail unless you make them be. And this date will be the beginning (or end, who knows? You might have found a winner..) of trial and error. Don't be scared that you're going to screw up, because trust me, you will in some way screw up. But don't let that get in the way of having a good time.
Understanding the moment is the key to success in any relationship. Feel the vibe, and act on it. Shower, make sure you look nice, have some good music in your car, and have fun. But you won't kiss her if that's all you focus on.
Let us know how it goes.
Thanks a bunch for the feedback so far! I should also mention the conditions: met her online and we're going to meet at the mall, mostly to windowshop while talking, probably will stop in the food court to eat something. Also, Should I still go for a kiss if I met her online and its the first time we're meeting?
This is just my opinion, but you should take >>3's advice and if it doesn't feel quite right, don't do it. Your first time meeting, kissing might be too much. But, if you're both buzzing and it feels like it could work, go for it. We can't give you a hard "yes, do it" or "no, don't" answer because we won't be there to gauge feelings with you, but I hope that helps.
Alright, that's what I was kind of thinking anyways. One more question to ask you guys: we're meeting at noon but I have no idea exactly how long we plan to be there. Should I tell her "I have to go" at some point or should I wait until she says she has to go? Can't image we'd be there until it closes, the mall isn't that exciting of a place.
It depends on her, really. She'll say if she is ready to go or not. It might be a good idea to squeeze something fun in-between the window shopping. So internet, huh. You know what she looks like?
Fuck. Bitches.
I planned on meeting her tomorrow at noon, just talked to her tonight about it and she goes "I met a guy I really liked earlier today, can't go sorry". WHAT THE FUCK, FUCK MY LIFE. Sounds like a blatant lie to me. Well, I think I'll start spending some time with my ex-girlfriend DXM again tomorrow.
Had pictures to confirm it, and she was definitely a woman, an attractive one too.
I should also mention I'm the guy from the "How To Approach A Shy Girl", "Soccer girl", and "Gamer Girl" threads...To bring those threads to a conclusion, I lost interest in the Soccer Girl and I think I fucked things up with Gamer Girl because despite being a narcissist and good looking, I was really awkward around her early on even though I got better.
I don't remember if I mentioned it anywhere in my previous friends, but in high school I was completely shy and never talked to girls at all unless they talked to me. Even though all of these were failures, I've learned what it takes to talk to women.
So, if you know what it takes to talk to women, then you can understand why this chick said that, right? Because right now, she isn't interested. That shouldn't be a big deal for you, you've kissed a ton of girls though the years and suffered heartbreak, right?
Oh wait, what did this thread say again?
Look bud. Women aren't complicated. They get wacky, and contradictory, but most women aren't hard to figure out. But you can't be approaching every attractive one like they are a pedestal, because they are flawed humans like everyone else.
You really need to focus on friendship instead of romance for right now. Tell the girl online that you would still love to meet up with her, not as a date, but as friends. Use her for practice. Don't focus on your failures and socialize more, bit by bit. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT think about love or romance anymore. Just go out there and be more outgoing. Do this for like 2 months and post your results.