Keep the friendship or Be lovers for uncertain time? (43)

19 Name: Aging Otaku : 2010-01-14 16:46 ID:gioGf6WJ

There are two ways to look at this, if you wait too long, you end up having developed a friendship bond, that often feels uncomfortable passing and taking it to the next level. Although often, that can be a good thing if it does move on, because if you have the strong bonds of friendship and common likes and dislikes, you will more likely always have that.

On the other hand, and I have seen this a lot in my years, once it is taken to the next level, the friendship can change, and go sour, especially if your mutual romantic interests had not been topics of conversation during the friendship. I have seen lots of friends take it to the next level, then when the romance didn't work out, you don't have anything left with that person, no romance, nor friendship. And often that is harder and hurts more than just staying friends.

The other option, is to drop hints to her and her friends that you are interested, but you want her to make the first move. To make sure that it is something that she wants as much as you do.

That is my $.02

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