omg! I'm in love with an Otaku. (16)

1 Name: Otaku's girlfriend : 2009-12-21 07:11 ID:IGrBLTt0

So I've been dating this guy ( we'll call him Ota-kun)for about 6 months now and I'm so head - over - heels in love with him. He's funny, sweet, a bit shy and he's very honest. I love him to bits >< We've decided to take the next step and move in together. Now we share similar interests especially anime and video games....however...i didn't know the extent of his love of anime, especially when it comes to the " H " stuff. I'll admit, I am a bit conservative. And I do get jealous when he plays his H-games. But I really want to understand him better.

We've had talks about the way he sees 2d girls, he's said that they are just characters and he doesn't view them like real girls. Yes he thinks they are cute. But he's never masturbated to them - Not since we've been together that is - He says I'm the only women that turns him on. He's told me that he loves me and they are just games that he enjoys for the stories...

I just don't know what to do >< I know that what he says is true. I believe it to be. But I can't control when my heart clenches and aches evey time he plays or watches any H-anime. I honestly don't know...if it is because i feel insecure about myself deep down.

I don't know guys..I'd like to know what you guys think, I really wish I could sit with him and watch some H - stuff with out getting so bothered by it

2 Name: Secret Friend : 2009-12-21 10:34 ID:ybZn2LBL

My honest opinion is that he simply appreciates the idealized proportions of an H-girl. They are indeed fake, and also, impossible to mimic in reality. He may be playing those games because the scenarios are also idealized, and therefore, amusing to see. The same applies to the H-anime. I'll have to think about an approach for you to deal with this... But in the meantime, just try to accept it face-value.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-21 15:34 ID:X6RMx+7f

Watching hentai and saying he doesn't masturbate to it is like him watching porn and never masturbating to it.

Anyway, point is that all guys do this, and it's pretty normal. While it is hard to comprehend for a girl, trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I can almost guarantee he loves you whole-heartedly.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-22 13:45 ID:Dkg+QRrL

Yeah, don't sweat it. Ya know, a lot of married women end up one day finding porn folders or pornsites in the browser's history or (for the elderly amongst us) playboy magazines behind the toilets. Then they act all surprised, disappointed, jealous, start doubting themselves, etc. And it's okay, because that's what women do.

What men do is look at porn. I'm slightly amplifying the thing but that's in order to make a point. Don't fret, he's a guy, that's normal. He also probably already masturbated to you, if that can make it right :p

5 Name: Otakun : 2009-12-22 17:48 ID:kL0RUivS

Hey, I'm not your boyfriend haha, you just happened to use my screen name. Anyways... theres nothing really to worry about here. Its like women reading cheesy romance novels and enjoying them. Think especially about the guys who have to deal with girlfriends and their Twilight obsession.

Coming from an otaku perspective with an awesome girlfriend, he's just doing what he normally does. Its like how I play mmorpgs or even the occasional free dating sim. Clearly since you two are dating he puts you above the games right? He tries to make you feel special too right? If you two agreed to move in with each other then I'd say he loves you more than any game or fictional character, so no worries!

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-22 19:28 ID:Heaven

It's really not competition, so you shouldn't look at it that way. It's stupid fantasy. (But it's still normal to feel that way so don't feel bad about feeling bad).
If you asked him to stop, you'd probably just drive it underground.
Best thing you could do is ask him if there's anything you can do to fulfill those fantasies. (But don't be judgmental about it if he mentions something weird)

7 Name: Yet anothet otaku : 2009-12-24 00:13 ID:Heaven

Don't worry because I am otaku myself I know how he feels.
He loves you, that's for sure. Judging by the fact that he is an otaku it is most likely that he never loved anyone and nobody ever loved him.
So go on, don't worry...

8 Name: Otaku's girlfriend : 2009-12-24 11:39 ID:23FTr02i

Wow! Thank you all very very much.

#6 I will take your advice.

Otakun...very sorry. Haha I didn't know a real Otakun was here. ;)

....well...I don't know what else to say but I'll hang in there.

9 Name: Otaku!lnkYxlAbaw : 2009-12-25 12:43 ID:b3G6OeVp

As another otaku(well more like art-school fuckhead anyway but it does not matter) who wants to help both of you is here.
Just because Ota-kun is an otaku his personality made him to pursue some strange and bizarre love decision. For a guy like him it is possible to have mutual relationship with a lesbian. Which is happened to me. But as for me I want to forget what happened and start new thing, which I am sure is the same with Ota-kun.

10 Name: Otaku's girlfirend : 2010-01-12 08:44 ID:I9uUV3Xa

I'm back with a new update. I took the advice that you guys have given me, I actually surfed the net and got a cosplay outfit from one of his favorite anime shows >< I waited for him to come home....I thought he was going to be home early..but I ended up waiting for 2 hours hehe. Anyway, I'd never been so nervous. ( and when im nervous I tend to want to clean things...takes away the stress)
And that's how me found me >< I was bending down, and i didn't even hear when he got home. He'd been standing in the entrance just staring at me , in a cosplay outfit...

.......... then he started to laugh !!!! I was so embarrassed ><

Instead of turning him on..I made a fool of myself, TOTAL FAILURE! =( I honestly wanted to cry.

But at least he now knows that I'm willing to try to understand this side of him

We'll just see how it goes from here.

11 Name: Gilliam : 2010-01-13 01:05 ID:V9TTTRrg

Oh~ I can understand why he laughed. It sounds like something silly that you'd see in anime... Plus, you were in that outfit. Don't worry, though!

If you can, you should keep us posted on this. Good luck!

12 Name: noodlez : 2010-01-13 07:49 ID:xJvrr82C

from one otaku to another... that sounded really really mo-e...
you got my vote girl!

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-13 15:20 ID:6EzacYGX

Play eroges with him

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-01-14 04:48 ID:qCKHYz4Q

My No BS Assessment:

Men need porn. They do. Even if you fucked him three times a day and six times on sunday, he'd still need porn. I hate to say this on a friendly, family-type board but...

guys just gotta jerk off. You don't know what it's like. A hard day at work, the world gnawing at your ass, everyone trying to jump your shit, and people not cutting you slack...

Damon Wayans said it best in a stand-up bit: Some days you just gotta jerk off. Any man that can still get his dick up jerks off. The only men in this world who don't jerk off are amputees and goddamned liars.

It's not personal, it reflects no deficiency on your end(not saying you may NOT be deficient; you very well could be, but this is unrelated). I mean, I jack off to lots of stuff. Porn, anime porn, porn games, day on a business trip, I honest to Christ jacked off to k-mart underwear ad. And they didn't even have female models. It's just visual stimulus to get a man going. Don't sweat it.

Jacking off, is pretty much guilt free, worry free, no frills means of getting the rocks off. No concerns about foreplay or talking to people or anything. Just a man, his dominant hand, and his dick.

When you get older, you'll understand.

15 Name: Anon : 2010-02-26 17:51 ID:HjVWprOM


As a guy, I really gotta back this up. I have a healthy sex life, I love my wife a lot, but I still watch porn and masturbate. It really is exclusive to sex and romance; a lot of women just don't understand that. Either way, good luck to you. My advice is to seek compromise, but remember to try to be more open-minded yourself as well.

16 Name: Hideki : 2010-03-02 05:40 ID:1tm0/wfU

Guys are like that. Men do need porn. I don't know about human history but, men have the urge do spread their genes and the only way to do that without betraying our lovers, is to masturbate or watch porn or do both. It subdues that urge, that feeling. It's a natural almost animal like urge. That's why some men sleep around...I guess..I don't know. For the reason why he laughed I guess was that it does suit you,....I don't know. But that is a good thing it means he won't see you as one of those characters, but as his lover. You have nothing to worry about him preferring those anime characters to you. He won't compare you to those 2D girls, after all the real ones are so much better. It was a good effort, but don't get a refund yet, who knows in the future it might prove useful if you two role play a little to spice up your sex lives. O//////O so I hoped I help a little....but not as much as the others have.

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