We've been dating for a month now, and I hardly get to see you. Even though we dont live that far away, our busy schedules keep us apart. I'm lucky to see you once a week, and even then only for a few hours...
I wish we could go back to the way things were when we were not dating, we saw eachother more often then. But now you have your project due soon, and I have my finals and work.
I know a month really isnt that long of a time to be dating, and people would tell me to just suck it up because so, but we've been "dating" as friends since christmas, I was always just too much of a pussy to ask you.
Last night, I was listening to Vanilla Twilight by Owl City (who you know I hate), but I couldnt stop listening to it because that's how I feel.
all in all, I cant wait till you are done with your project and my finals are over, because then maybe we dont have to worry about going whole weeks w/o seeing eachother.
open up a livejournal.