I had asked about internet dating a few weeks ago, and, much to my surprise, actually met a cutie with a ton in commom with me, from my college within a week.
My school is on Spring Break right now, but I made plans with said girl to hang out after we returned, so as not to lose her interest over break. I suggested we find a place with food we both like that also served beer, and she felt more comfortable just going to my apartment ( :D ), as she's a little anxious and shy in public places.
Anyway, I've never been on a date before. I've fingered a female friend on the bus in highschool, but never had a true date or kiss anyone or anything. Is there anything I should keep in mind? This'll also be the first time I see this girl in person. We have similar taste in RPGs and comedy, and she even likes Azumangah Daioh, so I figured I'd try to find something we could watch and cook a small dinner and have a small amount of decent beer with her. Everything else I'm a little unclear on. Would it be creepy to compliment her appearance when we first see each other? Would it seem cheap to cook the food myself / should I order delivery instead? Are there any cool interactive things things that'd allow us to get to know each other better? I'm a huge fan of conversation, myself, but I'm sure a lotta girls want to see you put in more creativity and effort in than that. Are there any decent kissing tutorials, in case we have future dates?
girls like compliments... think about if a girl said you looked kinda cute.. win win. cooking shows you can cook... also a win win... willing to go to your apartment... win win... fingering a girl on the bus priceless...
You're on the right track. Cook a nice dinner, watch a good movie, and play it cool. Even though you'll probably be nervous as hell at least pretend you're relaxed. She'll probably be doing the same.
> any decent kissing tutorials
Go slow and soft, less is more. Even if you get into a heavy make out session you should pull away as much as you go in.
> I'm a huge fan of conversation, myself, but I'm sure a lotta girls want to see you put in more creativity and effort in than that.
Don't put too much effort into it, bro. For one thing, you don't want to set a high standard because then you'll never be able to relax, always trying to live up to the last date. It sounds cliche, but it's true: just be yourself.