I need help. I'm trapped in this relationship which I brainlessly entered without much thought.
This relationship with this boy, A, started because i was feeling good that someone actually likes me. So i let him carry on.
(This is like a rebound because i was recently heartbroken, which i know, is besides the point. I know this is horrible.)
However, it went to a point of no return when i realized that he thinks that i love him too. It was the examination period, so i couldnt have said no. Dont want to spoil his grades (which is good). Therefore, this drags on until now.
I plan to break up with him this june when his A level is all over and a time where he is free. > <
However, i still dont know how to break up with him.
i had two relationships before but i was dumped in a horrible way (text message and total avoidance respectively). I have no experience or knowledge on how to break up with this poor fella softly. I do not love him, and i know it's cruel to let this drag on. A doesnt know all these.
So please help me or rather, help him. T____T
brainlessly, not sure. just human :-)
just break up at once. You don't have to sit out this lie. Do what cannot be avoided anyways.
good luck !
please for the love of god, do it face to face... at least be a decent person and tell him in person. And if you dont know what to say
"Lets just be friends"
Breaking up with someone is hard, especially for the first time. Especially when they didn't do anything wrong and the simple truth is that you don't love him. But you have to do it, for your sanity and his.
Do it face to face. I've always tried to break up with boys when we're in a situation where we can be apart from each other soon after the break up (eg. towards the end of a car ride home). Don't do it around friends or family, that's just rude. Chose a place where you will have relative privacy, so he won't feel embarrassed. However, if you expect him to react in an unpleasant way, do it somewhere semi-public.
As for what to say, I'd go with a simple "I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me."
Thanks guys. I'm just waiting for the perfect timing.. It doesn't help that we only can see each other once a week (we live 1 hour away from each other). I'm afraid that i couldn't find that perfect timing.
What's more, he is having his trials now. And soon his final exam. I still need to wait it out.
It isn't easy. Replied his 'i love you's and 'i miss you's painfully. Is there any way to hint it to him? So he may be sort of prepared when i finally say it?
make your answers short,
don;t spend too much attention to him.
I personally, in that situation would prefer to just have it done quickly. Maybe you could use the whole living an hour away and only being able to see eachother once a week thing? Shit, a girl broke up with me because I had to go to school and work, so I was only able to spend 3days out of my week with her.