I have a girlfriend, but I'm a girl!!!! (12)

1 Name: QuiteHappy : 2010-05-21 07:00 ID:wrnCeOAt

I've known that I liked girls for around seven years now, but now I finally have a girlfriend. My parents don't know, and whenever they talk about gays it's always about how 'despicable' or 'disgusting' they are. I'm a jr. in highschool, and she's a sr. and my sister is a sr. and I can't let my sister know or she'll tell my sisters. But I really like her, and want to express my feelings in public, and I don't want to hide.

Any suggestions or previous experience?

Much love~

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-21 09:53 ID:S/ye52dJ

Is your want to express your feelings in public enough to justify possibly damaging the relationship you have with your family and peers?

I know you don't WANT to hide it, but there is a fairly good reason to hide it, whether you like it or not. When you're older and have a job and home and life, essentially independent of your family (as independent of your family as one gets anyhow), then maybe that would be the most prudent time to let them know about this.

But it's a matter of priority. If you feel it's a priority to be open about your relationship, and you're willing to accept and deal with the consequences, then by all means, go ahead and let people know; but otherwise, it might be a bad decision to do that just yet.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-05-28 09:39 ID:siGSvmpk

Come out and do what you want. Shit gets messy? Blame your family, lie and say their constant badmouthing of males affected you mentally, pushing you toward women. There may eve be some truth there. Regardless, you only live once, do what makes you happy, fuck every one else (unless they offer you something, in which case they're important, until they lose their value).

4 Name: Human : 2010-06-11 13:48 ID:sy+a3gEW

Love is Love. Love her, if you wish.

After you aquire your own HOME (studio, apartment, etc) your freedom-to-choose ...will grow with LOVE. Until then, be private, and full of Love.

5 Name: Dæmon : 2010-06-14 17:13 ID:vaiFE3xL

get 2 gays. one of you take each. both get married together, live together. do whatever you want.
happily ever

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-16 07:49 ID:JGfDaIhI

I don't know what your family is like... but as much as it hurts I'd try to hide until I became self-sufficient. I've heard about parents doing crazy shit.

Regardless of what you do, talk to your girl and find out how she feels about it. Make sure she's on the same page with you. Whatever decision you make about this issue can only hold up if she agrees with it too.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-20 16:15 ID:1+hVWGmy


Dear OP,

I was usually making jokes about gay's and stuff with my dad.

Because of this my brother had trouble telling us because he thought he was unwanted.

In fact none of my family really meant what they said. They accepted him who he was.

I don;t know your family, or your precise situation. But keep this in mind as an possibility.

good luck :)

8 Name: Grandma : 2010-06-25 07:53 ID:VLmqjdo2

Hey Beautiful Lady, Congratulations on HAVING a Relationship.

Your parents... <deep sigh> respectfully believe whatever.
B-U-T... you are their daughter, FOREVER.

By now, the school year is over; and you'll be a senior next year. ~ Let your Love Flow!



9 Name: Mr. Guy : 2010-06-25 10:11 ID:oHcgvQuE

I've read all of the other post, and yet i kinda understand what your going through(even though imma guy).

If you like that girl, don't ever let go of that relationship. If your parents disagrees with your decision, then say

"This is my life! Even if your my family, you don't always decide it yourselves! I've got to decide on my own whether which gender will i love and be with!"

That's what i thought tell me if this helps or not.

(And if you wanna change just ask me and i know how to change people if needed, it's not a business yet but i think i can do it.)

10 Name: cc : 2010-06-27 07:38 ID:f9K/6gyS

well, better than nothing.. i guess!

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-27 15:15 ID:KISoSIFp

If your parents are rich conservative fucks then don't come out to them until AFTER they pay for your education. If they're poor, and/or you're paying for school yourself, come out when you want.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-06-28 03:01 ID:SjmkHa7X

OP, I would recommend hiding it for the time being. You're only in high school, so chances are that it's not going to last beyond the two of you graduating (it might, but probably not). Like others have said, wait until you're fully independent before mentioning it to your parents.

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