How much make-up do girls put on these days? Is it really necessary? Every time I go out with a girl, she has about a lbs of mask covered on her face. Seriously, this is really a turn off. Especially those lipsticks. Plastic doesn't taste good at all when I'm kissing a girl. The fruity smell is not necessary either. Anyone else get turned off by make ups?
>>Anyone else get turned off by make ups?
yes, but youre forgetting something, its not for you, its for themselves and for other women. you have to realize that unlike men, who primarily indulge in fashion to attract women, beautification is an end unto itself for many women. the vast majority of asian women in particular do not feel beautiful without spending hours on their face every day, no matter how much you, the man, tell them they look beautiful without it. lay the blame at the media or wherever you like, this is not something that will disappear any time soon. its important to a woman's self esteem.
remember, you have no say in it, and its not about you to begin with.
And you are surprised by this? Seriously? What with society constantly telling women that if they're not attractive they're basically useless as a human being and the media, where women don't even have pores and people like Kim Kardashian are considered "curvy"?
>no matter how much you, the man, tell them they look beautiful without it
I know, how dare she not listen to you when everyone else for the entirety of her life has been telling her the exact opposite? It's so weird, you know?
hey dont get your panties in a bunch honey. like i said, i know its not about the men to begin with, and its not going anywhere any time soon. and honestly, plenty of women -do- need a shit-ton of makeup to look presentable. the only problem is the ones who dont still do it anyway. but hey thats life.
>>people like Kim Kardashian are considered "curvy"?
How is she NOT curvy? And what does her body have to do with make-up? It's okay to be jaded, but you could do with a better example.
The term curvy was invented by larger then average women to describe themselves- basically it's meant to describe chubby girls. I'm using her as an example of what the media does, because Kim Kardashian is not chubby, and her hijacking of the term is stupid.
>the only problem is the ones who dont still do it anyway
I know. You said that in your previous post. And I explained to you why they do it. So....yeah.
>>6 um, yeah. reading comprehension? you didnt add anything to this thread i didnt already mention in my first post. so thanks for the summary of my first post with the added pms i guess.
>>The term curvy was invented by larger then average women to describe themselves- basically it's meant to describe chubby girls.
Um, okay I've never heard that one before. I'm going to assume you're one of those chubby girls then. The thing is, Kim actually has, you know, curves. Not limbs that are straight stumps and bulges that aren't, well, curvy.
Not that it has anything to do with make-up either way...
Of course it's up to me. When I'm on a date with a girl, she's presenting herself to me, not to the couple sitting three table away from us.
For example, I met this girl on my jog route. She was really cute. We went out and on our date she complete changed from this all natural girl to this cosmetic freak. I couldn't tell how many shades of lipstick she was wearing. She had eye shadow everywhere on her face. And the smell of her perfume was so strong that it lingered on my same suit for weeks. I wish she was just one extreme case. But lately, it seems all the girls I have met were like that.
>>Of course it's up to me. When I'm on a date with a girl, she's presenting herself to me, not to the couple sitting three table away from us.
no its not. and no, she isnt.
you need to get over yourself and grow up if you think thats the case. you dont seem to understand much about women.
>>But lately, it seems all the girls I have met were like that.
was that your first date? seriously where have you been?
>>9 okay my mistake in thinking you were looking for advice, i guess you are just ranting. youre wrong about everything though, youll eventually learn the hard way. i mean seriously, you met a girl while jogging and expected her to show up without makeup because of that? you may as well have expected her to show up topless.
First of all
go fuck yourself "oh the makeup isn't about you its about her so too bad" FUUUCK YOUUUUUUUU this is the average fcuked up western chick attitude that makes guys run from you assholes as soon as they see you. (or just use you for a cum dumpster rather than have a long term relationship with you)
"no its not. and no, she isnt.
you need to get over yourself and grow up if you think thats the case. you dont seem to understand much about women. "
lemme tell you something cunt, if i EVER got with a bitch who was more interested in what she looked like for others than what she looked like for me, not only would i remove her physically, i'd probably just leave the bitch at th e table and let the cunt walk home AND pay for dinner.
western women are cunts, try some of the more old fashioned latin or jap women.. they're gold
>>western women are cunts, try some of the more old fashioned latin or jap women
asian women, -especially- japanese women, are far more concerned about make-up than white women. theyre just that much better at putting it on. get back to me when when your balls drop.
This is the OP again. Please read the title of my thread again. I'm not against makeups. I just wish girls would tone it down a little. I understand if girls want to put on makeups to brighten themselves up. Heck we do the same as guys. But some of you are going overboard. Your lips doesn't need to be all sparkle like. I don't need to stare at that dark blue shade on your eye lid. And I want to look at that cute blush on your face rather than the powder that's falling off as you talk. Finally, if I can smell your fragrance from across a table then something is wrong.
That's a technique issue. And as was previously mentioned, this is something that's obviously out of your hands. Some women just aren't that good at putting on makeup, it's pretty much a form of artistry after all. But it won't stop them from putting it on. Case in point, many of my Japanese friends put on more makeup than I even realized was possible, but they're so good at it, it looks like they're wearing less than the average girl does.
Wow, did you misplace your ritalin? You sound like an incredibly lonely person.
Appart from social pressure, from what a woman thinks she needs to look like or from anything related to general oppinions, people is free to choose who to be with, or better said, who not to be with. And personally, I wouldn't be with a girl who needed to use make-up, whatever the reason she would use to justify herself. Because not all of us surrender to fake beauty, you know.
>>17 better move to a farm or get ready to be very lonely. every woman in modern society uses make-up.
>>18 Oh, yes. EVERY woman in MODERN society uses make-up. Do you live in Beverly Hills, by chance? You may be sure that a) there are more kind of girls than the ones you are used to see or deal with, and b) I'm far from being very lonely.
>>20 not the same poster son. hey whatever though, tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. because you either live in a cave or youre just a naive kid who hasnt been with many women. just cause you cant see it doesnt mean theyre not wearing it. they all wear it, period.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's true. If you don't think it is, I would guess you are still very young. Some GIRLS do not wear makeup, yes. While they are young their skin may still be naturally beautiful. All self respecting women these days DO wear makeup. Skin does not stay beautiful for long, it's a sad fact of life. Can I remember the last time I saw a woman without makeup? Yes, because it is such a rare occurance. I was fixing mine in a bathroom and noticed an exceptionnally downtrodden looking woman washing her hands. Her appearance was clearly the least of her worries.
As others have mentioned, it is not primarily to attract men, but to stay beautiful. Frankly, women have a very brief prime. Don't pretend that you as a man would be interested in an older woman who does not take care of herself. Have you ever seen candids of celebs without makeup? Yeah. We all look that bad. Go ahead and complain, don't expect a single woman to give an ounce of sympathy. Men can stay attractive literally twice as long as most women with comparitively no effort.
Thanks for all your pity and sorrow, people, but I don't need it. You'd better be sorry about yourselves, 'cause you haven't had the chance to meet the women (and I'm saying women, not girls) that I've met, with such a wonderful look AND SKIN that even in their thirties they look like teenagers.
Enjoy your warpaint, then.
And I leave it here. It's becoming too much like...
Yeah. Sure. Sounds more to me like you don't know how to recognize skillfully applied makeup when you see it. In their thirties many women have already completely lost their youthful skin, and nearly all of them show visible wear even to the untrained eye. You do not live in a magical village where all the women have beautiful skin, you simply don't know makeup. This is biology we're talking about now. Women age. Here's a helpful hint, MOST women aren't caking the makeup on because that ruins the point. The idea is to look like you AREN'T wearing any. Apparently the women you know are quite good at it, cause I promise you they are wearing it.
Oh and is this guy for real with the Beverly Hills thing? We're talking about MAKEUP, not friggin nosejobs. Where do YOU live? Antarctica?
all i put on is a little powder foundation to keep my skin an even color, maybe some eyeshadow, and mascara. i fucking hate lipstick haha.
but really, girls who wear like pounds of makeup everyday is nasty, keep it atleast partially natural
As stupid as it sounds, several women wear make-up for other women - basically, it makes them look and feel prettier (provided they don't slop it on like butter on toast...) and hopefully that'll make them feel better than the girl sitting next to them who might not be wearing any (Visible pore? Oh the horror...).
I'm not too against make-up myself, but I do have a thing against eye-liner. Several of my cohorts turn up looking like they got into a serious fight last night just because they apply the "more is better" theory to their eyes...
>>29 the first reply in this thread and about half of the responses since then have said the same thing yes.
mostly its just one guy who doesnt know anything about makeup who thinks all of the women around him have naturally beautiful skin. i guess he believes theres something in the local water.
I like natural faces.
Except for excessive amounts I'm not saying I dislike makeup, but I usually find natural faces just as beautiful as with a bit of makeup.
As beauty is a subjective measure, I'm free to think that natural skin is beautiful even though it's not "perfect".
Women age - so what? Everybody does.
>>31 someone hasn't been paying attention. Women don't care what men want.
>>32 ...and men don't care what women think.
>>34 Obviously not true since this thread exists to begin with and men are whining in it months later.
ITT: Men BAWWWWWW because women do exactly what society and social pressure tells them to. THE SHOCK AND HORROR
Barbie put Whore-Paint on her face, plugged her feet into high-heel Horse-Shoes, Clomped down the street with a fast pace as though she had to pee or get laid. PopEye saw Barbie, looked at her butt, her breasts, her face, and back to her butt. Within 2.5 seconds Barbie agreed to go on a date with PopEye. Within 2 hours of sports-on-the-bed, PopEye left Barbie's apartment not knowing her real name. And Barbie had a new STD to share with the world.