How do you guys deal with a break up? usually I deal with mine by being angry at the girl for breaking up with me (immature I know) and then I dont learn anything.
But this time, she broke up with me and I just cant be mad. I just miss her so damn much. She broke up with me because she didnt like herself, and she couldnt be happy with someone until she was happy with herself. If that makes no sense, just remember the saying "You cant love someone, til you love yourself". That is basically what was going on.
I just cant get her out of my head, and I dont know how to deal with this shit.
I fuck my blow up doll. That might help. Just give it time.
ahh man, don;t know what;s wrong with girls like that..
a friend of mine had the same thing as you. there's really nothing you can do about that. She might be dealing with some issues.
sorry mate, just give it some rest..
im sorry, thats pretty much whats going on in my dumbass relationship, except he's my first love and he kind of treats me like shit but i cant stop loving him you know? i cant even leave him, even though i feel like shit about myself.
just relax, if you really do like/love her, you'll give her the time she needs and you'll respect her feelings. women have moody ass minds, she's dealing with issues.
I use my hand because I don't have a doll...
just to give this thread some closure, I have finally moved on. It took me til a few weeks ago to realize that i'm mostly over her.
I just cut off all contact with her, and hid away everything that would make me think of her. I saw her at the Scott Pilgrim midnight release and of course when I saw her, I felt a small pang of longing, but overall I was over it.
now, we talk from time to time. But things are never going to go back to the way they were before.
(and LOL at my verification code being "cow")