dear romance,
I met a guy(A) last year and I knew he liked me. At that time I was chasing another guy(B) I liked. Eventually he became my BF(B) (+-year later.). During that year I met A a couple of times, even though we had a REAL great time, I still went after B.
Now I slept over at A's. It all started as normal, like with other friends. just laughing and talking bits. I did find him somewhat attractive, that's why I met him several times earlier (and the fact he kept on flirting). At some point, I drank a bit alcohol and we kissed..
Now I'm rather confused about what to do. I'm not sure if I should hate him or still be friends.
anyone out there experienced something in a similar way? (like kissing a friend.)
opinions and feelings regarding that friend afterwards would be much apreciated. It might help me to find out what to do.
much love xoxo
a kiss means very little. would your bf be happy about it if he found out? probably not, but the fact that you even feel slightly guilty about it says it wont mean anything in the long run. being in a relationship with someone doesnt mean your hormones suddenly shut off and you arent attracted to other attractive people. as long as you arent dropping your panties for the other guy (or getting into his pants) i dont see the big deal.
So you "drink a lot of alcohol" before you kissed him. I think you got your answer right there.
Gee, I'd hate to be your boyfriend right now.
I don't know what you're asking... you want to know how you should feel about him after you had a drunken make out session?
Clearly you already knew you were attracted to him and you you put yourself in an iffy situation and then voluntarily kissed him... he didn't take advantage of you when you were passed out or anything like that.
So why should you hate him? Maybe keep the distance you should have kept.