AFK - A First Kiss >.< (11)

1 Name: AJ : 2010-07-23 08:05 ID:wUZfmbzi

I had my first kiss other day, and well I'll have to admit that it was a little weird >.< We had been to the cinemas that night, and throughout the film, we were both kind of wanted to kiss each, but then decided that it wasnt such a good idea to do it in the cinemas, becuase it was reallly full, and the film was a little formal. So then after the movie, we walked around the city, and found a quiet place and yea that's when it happened :) I'm happy about it, but it just felt so weird. Is it meant to feel so weird? We kissed a bit more, and I think at one point, I kind of left my eyes open a little bit and um yeah. I think I freaked out a little bit as well >.< But yeah... Is this normal?? Or is it jus coz I'm not used to it??

I would like to hear about your first kiss experience please!
When/where/how/was it good or bad.
And lastly, um, how do u kiss?? >.< I feel lik such a newbie omg!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-07-23 10:40 ID:/uCUxo7k

Did she touch your penis while at it?
It'd be much cooler if she did.

3 Name: Chris : 2010-07-24 02:40 ID:CBUFtVfU

ahh...i had my first kiss last year...and well it was with a girl umm..4 years younger than me...making her a freshman in High school...i feel like...nothing like WOAH, but she said that she still felt it the day was in a radio station, where we had some friends that had a radio show...and yea i also don't know how to kiss...i had to break up with her since she was taking things too yea...:D

4 Name: Chris : 2010-07-24 02:43 ID:CBUFtVfU

Btw, sorry to send this duplicate reply, but who made the first move? was it she or did you do it? and yea it's normal since it was your first kiss, i think that when you receive, you really don't know what to do, but it's all trial and error...Good Luck with your relationship :D

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-07-24 04:27 ID:EJswDd4p

Yeah, my first kiss wasn't anything special either. I felt nothing during nor after, besides the fact that it did feel a little weird (all the saliva making that odd sound freaked me out a little). Perhaps I was doing it wrong, I dunno, but I kept it short just in case. Anyways, it's a yes to both your questions; it's normal, and it's because you're not used to it. Also, just take it slow, don't try to do too much, or you're bound to really fuck something up. Nothing wrong with doing more, just wait until you feel you're both ready. And remember, communication is key.

6 Name: Chris : 2010-07-24 05:37 ID:CBUFtVfU

>>5 mine was just a it doesn't really count as a first kiss...right?? it was like 5 seconds and that's it

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-07-24 23:58 ID:PgL11lF8

First kisses are overrated... you and your partner are not expected to fabulous at kissing at this stage if both of you have never kissed before. It's less of a physical sensation than an emotional one.

Besides, there more from where that came from.

8 Name: AJ : 2010-07-29 12:21 ID:wUZfmbzi

Haha im a girl.

>>2 i didnt touch his penis.

>>Chris, I'm pretty much the opposite to you. My bf is 4 years older than me lol.

Ok so lemme update you guys:
So after the night of the first kiss...yea that was really weird. Then the next time we saw each other a few days later, we watched another film. We kissed inside the movie theatre. This time it wasnt as weird I guess. Probably becuase it was all dark so I couldnt/didnt have to make "weird" eye contact with him. That night after the movie, we went to the beach for a bit. Then we ended up making out for.. a long time..!! At first it was still weird, we didnt really know when to 'go in' for the kiss. but then it happened anyway. Still i found it weird coz i wasnt used to having my lips being wet from another persons lips. But then after maybe lik 5-10 mins, IT JUST STARTED TO FEEL SO DAMN GOOD! We both got really into it. Lik OMG :) I have a new thing: French...explain/share please >.< I have to admit that it feels pretty good. But i dont know what to do...i cant hold a french kiss for long becuase i keep thinking that its going to get "too wet" and then it becomes awkward. So when we frenched, it only lasted for maybe lik 2sec ish?

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-07-30 04:43 ID:EJswDd4p

Just stop thinking about it so much, and it won't be awkward. Stop picking apart the kiss piece by piece like it's a blueprint, and just let it happen naturally. Follow your instincts; what you think will work probably will. That goes for the french kiss too; I'm sure you know what it is and what it entails, so just do what you think is right, because it probably is.

10 Name: Chris : 2010-08-04 00:10 ID:CBUFtVfU

>>9 I agree with ya, Let it flow, let it go its course, like a river, but if things get to know what to do :D...:D

11 Name: Raine : 2010-10-24 10:12 ID:Gz246RGS

Ah my first kiss...just 2 weeks ago xD Well it just a peck really, 3 in a row while we were lying on my bed. I initiated, I'm the girl and then after the first one I just said I want another and then I still wanted another one so I just whispered third time lucky right? xD Of course the first kiss would be awkward, it's normal. We actually took like half an hour deciding whether not to or not .___.; so don't worry so much about it, you'll get more experience the more you kiss ;D
And with french kisses I'm kinda just learning too, but running your hand through the guy's hair is good and putting your hand behind his neck so you can pull him closer for a deeper kiss ;) and tongue wise I'd just suggest not going too fast, slow is good if you want a long makeout session. Plus make sure to lay off a bit at times so he can explore your mouth too. All the best :)

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