I tried to recently finger my girlfriend. This is the first "serious" relationship that I've had. Her hymen is intact, and I can't seem to give her any kind of feeling when I finger her. I have difficulty finding her clitoris (it's dark) and she doesn't know how to masturbate, so she's as in the dark as I am. She is on an SSRI. I'm wondering if you have any advice.
> I have difficulty finding her clitoris (it's dark) ... she's as in the dark as I am.
AGREED! Seriously...the clitoris is right there...in the front near the top. OP is a dumb ass if he can't find it.
Explore with your tongue, feel for this little not near the top, start poking it with your tongue gently and she'll be squirming in no time
SSRIs are know to have a direct effect on sex drive. For how long has she been on it and how old is she?
i cant help but laugh to myself with this post...
its not even hard, rub the clit slowly and then do it faster progressively, then with 2 fingers you stick them deep inside her and give her the orgasm she craves for, all the while you nibble behind her neck and near the ears, once shes moist and ready, you may enter...lol
The SSRI may be making her non-responsive (or more so than usual). Some SSRI's prevent orgasm (or even make it painful). This can be frustrating. Other times sex drive drops to practically nothing. It's very variable from drug to drug & from user to user.
But yeah, you're going to have a hard time finding her buttons if drugs are cooling them down.
I need some fingering help too. How do you finger a G major chord?
dont you watch porn?
As a string instrument player, please tell me that was a joke...(if it was, not bad ^_^...if not...).
Did you finger her right at the beginning or did you begin with some other kind of foreplay? If you didn't, try revving the engine with caresses, petting, kissing, sucking...anything else that'll get her sex drive before going for the kill. Otherwise, good luck!
> This is the first "serious" relationship that I've had.
Stop being so "serious"! No matter what your age (50yo, 30, 20, 15) a relationship should be ENJOY-ABLE for you both, not: "serious"!
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